Parents' Association Update

Connection, Information & Feedback

It’s less than four weeks to the Twilight Festival and the planning is coming along well. We are excited and would love you to join in! 

Next Meeting 

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 28 February from 7 - 8pm


At the first meeting, we will welcome new members and discuss a schedule of events for the year. We welcome all new parents to this meeting, and they are usually a great source of information and a great parent forum. 

Twilight Festival 

Hopefully you’ve all read the Compass email about our Twilight Festival, to be held at the school in the afternoon/evening of Friday 17 March. It’s an opportunity to hang out on the school grounds and mingle with parents, teachers and students. 


Come along for food, sports and arts events, and ask your child for a private school tour to see their locker and classrooms! This event is aimed at bringing our school community together for some fun events and food. This event is NOT about fundraising. We hope your families will come along and join us! 


It would greatly assist us in working out numbers for the food trucks and events if you could RSVP as soon as possible please!


If you are interested in volunteering at this festival, please email us at


We will have some limited space for market stalls. If you are interested in registering for a table or space, please email Shilpa to register your interest ASAP at


Performing Arts
Final callout to parents who are musicians, in bands, DJs, performers - we need you! Any families with musician contacts who would like to support our community, please let us know at

Feedback or comments

Please feel free to contact us at We would love to hear from you. 


Jasmin (President), Clifford (Vice President) & Leigh (Secretary)

Parents' Association Committee

Jasmin Wang (President)
Clifford Francis (Vice President)
Leigh Hogarty-Langston
Jasmin Wang (President)
Clifford Francis (Vice President)
Leigh Hogarty-Langston