Information Session for New Families

Tuesday 28 February (6 - 7pm)

Introduction to Learning Technology at BSC

For Year 7 families and new families in other year levels 


We would like to invite you and your child to attend an Introduction to Learning Technology information session at the college on Tuesday 28 February (6 - 7pm). This is a great opportunity for you to understand how technology is used to deliver teaching and learning. We will be covering:

  • OneNote
  • Our approach to teaching and learning
  • Compass portal
  • Assessment and Reporting
  • Education Perfect 



  • Please bring your child and their device along to the session.
  • Please enter via the reception office in the main building.
  • The session will be live streamed via the Year 7 Channel in Teams (and recorded) for those who are unable to attend onsite.


Deb Kirk

Assistant Principal