VCE Theatre Studies 1-4

To get the term cracking the VCE Theatre Studies 1- 4 students headed off on the first of five theatre visits for the year, during the first week of Term 1. 


On a mild Wednesday night, the group settled into the picnic atmosphere of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Melbourne to enjoy an outdoors performance of the Australian Shakespeare Company’s ‘Much Ado about Nothing.’ This Shakesperean rom-com was given a contemporary rock’n’roll make-over with added songs, comic roadies, plenty of asides, and the mandatory bat flyovers. It was a joy to watch the kids sit down in low chairs and picnic rugs, snacked up and enjoying the vibe, even if the roadies did steal their chips.


This was a great way to start the year for this new collective of performing arts students as they begin to prepare for their own production scheduled for the last week of Term 1. Stay tuned for details.


Later excursions include ‘Harry Potter’, Bell Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ and the Australian classic, Michael Gow’s ’Away’. More photo opportunities await.


Mr Sam Mackie
