Junior School

Junior School Events
It has been a rather busy first four weeks of the year in the Junior School! We began 2023 by welcoming our newest cohort of excited students during our Year 5 Orientation Day, followed closely by the Year 6 camp to Canberra in Week 2 and the Year 5 camp to Katoomba the following week. Both opportunities proved to be an excellent way for students to form new friendships with their peers and also develop important life skills necessary for success both within and outside of the classroom environment.
The commencement of our student-led year group assemblies has been another early highlight and I look forward to seeing how each class adds their own unique flavour to these special occasions. Our Summer sports program has also commenced in earnest, and it has been extremely pleasing to hear of the way in which students have competed on a Saturday morning against other schools in the IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia) competition.
Earlier this week, the Junior School welcomed many parents/carers onsite as our class teachers enthusiastically opened their own classroom to our families and set the scene for the year ahead. Finally, the Year 5 team is very much looking forward to our Welcome Mass and Dinner event this coming Friday night as we gather together to recognise this important induction event for our Year 5 boys.
Given everything just mentioned, one would be excused for thinking we have already reached the end of the term…yet there are still many more opportunities and events for our Junior School boys to experience and enjoy in Term 1!
Mathematics Groups
Throughout the course of 2022, the Junior School team spent a considerable amount of time reviewing our own educational practices and identifying areas we can improve upon across all operational aspects to ensure we embody our strategic aim of being “a beacon for boys’ education”. In line with current educational research and best-practice models, one such change we are delighted to announce is the commencement of Mathematics groups across Year 5 and Year 6.
As a staff, we recognise that each boy is unique and brings their own level of knowledge and understanding to Mathematics lessons. We also know that this will change over time, and it is important for our staff to be responsive to the individual development students make. As such, these groups will be fluid and students may indeed change classes throughout the course of the year to ensure they remain in the best environment possible to continue their educational journey.
Parents and carers can be assured that any changes that are made to the student groups will be based on sound assessment data collected, and be clearly communicated with students so that they know exactly what the next steps are on their own learning journey. There will also be many opportunities for parents/carers to discuss the progress made by their son/s with his specific Mathematics teacher throughout the year ahead.
For many students new to the College, grouping for specific subjects will not be a foreign concept. Ultimately, it is our aim to ensure that the Junior School teachers involved in our Mathematics groups are able to cater for the needs of the boys they teach in the most meaningful and effective way possible. Quite simply, the formation of Mathematics groups across both year groups will allow for this to occur.
I would kindly ask all parents and carers to remember the importance of emphasising the individual growth of their son above his overall academic achievement. As a teaching team, we are very excited to begin the implementation of this beneficial educational model for the boys in Mathematics lessons and we look forward to working with parents/carers to effectively support the development of our students. On a personal note, I am also very eager to work with a group of ‘lucky’ Year 5 students and witness the progress that I’m sure they will make in Mathematics throughout 2023!
Theodore Roosevelt once said that “comparison is the thief of joy.” One could strongly argue that never a truer collection of words was spoken, especially when applied to the context of education. Your children are individuals, hitting milestones when ‘they’ are ready to hit milestones, achieving what ‘they’ are ready to achieve next ‘themselves’. Comparing them to others in their year group, or older/younger siblings is unhelpful at best, and damaging at its worst. I would therefore urge our Junior School parents/carers to avoid comparisons between your son and other children at all costs!
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.
May God bless you,
Glenn Stephenson
Director of Junior School
Junior School Curriculum Outlines
Year 5 and Year 6 Curriculum Outlines can be accessed by using the following links. They are a valuable resource to discuss with your son to continue to connect with the school and home. They are also available on the Junior School CANVAS page.
Daniel Fields
Director of Curriculum - Junior School