MGC's 2023 Musical Production is...

In association with Origin Musical theatre, we are excited to announce that this year’s musical production is Grease!
Save these dates: Term 3, Week 5, Tuesday 8th- Friday 11th August at MGC, 7.30pm.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, unfortunately Tuesdays have become unavailable for auditions and rehearsals since our information meeting last week.
Term 2 & 3 rehearsals will now be THURSDAYS afterschool for Chorus and Leads, and Leads will now be required for rehearsals on MONDAYS afterschool.
All auditions scheduled for Tuesdays have now been rescheduled, please see updated powerpoint.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
For those who missed the information session, please find updated powerpoint here:
Term 1 Outline:
Week 3: This week we will be completing learning audition songs for Year 12 students and Year 7 students who were on camp and anyone else who was unable to attend last week on Thursday afterschool in the Drama Room.
Week 4- Auditions begin!
Monday Period 1: Year 11’s
Thursdays afterschool: Year 10 and catchups
There will also be lunchtime audition catchups on a Thursday for students involved in our rowing program or for anyone who is unable to attend to attend their scheduled timeslot.
Week 5: Auditions Continued
Monday Period 1: Year 12’s
Thursday afterschool: Year 8 & 9
Week 6: Auditions continue.
Thursday afterschool: Year 7
Weeks 7-9: Callbacks!
Please keep Mondays and Thursdays free
Week 10: Casting Announced!
Just a reminder that we have an inclusive policy at MGC- everyone who auditions gets in, there is no such thing as “I wasn’t good enough”. Auditions are purely for us to put you in the right part for you.
Anne Corry
Musical Production.