Wellbeing Portfolio
Hello MGC community,
We are the Wellbeing Portfolio!
What is it?
From 2022, we have been working towards reducing stigma surrounding mental health and developing a network which students and staff can access without any hassle. Our goal is to raise more awareness and give the vocabulary to students and staff to be able to start conversations involving individual wellbeing and mental health.
Who is involved?
The portfolio is led by Wellbeing Captain, Alina Ivanova, and Wellbeing Vice- Captain, Pippi Brace.
Alongside them, are the middle school captains Vianna Lam and Orla Edwards.
The captains work alongside Ms Allie Grey-Smith (Student Engagement and Wellbeing Leader) and the rest of the Senior Executive at MGC.
Our team also has discussions with the staff at the Wellbeing centre, which includes Danielle Floyd, Brittany Killer, & Kalli Harvey.
How can you reach out?
We are lucky at MGC to have the Wellbeing centre located on level 1, just opposite the front office.
It’s a private, safe, and open space to be able to talk to the councillors and seek advice on any mental health troubles, queries, or issues. The Wellbeing centre is open during school hours, and any student is welcome.
To reach out further, contacts are below. The captains are always there to answer any questions, or explain in more detail about the Wellbeing centre and how Wellbeing functions at MGC.
Hope to hear from you all soon in 2023!
Senior Captains
Alina Ivanova (iva0008@mgc.vic.edu.au)
Pippi Brace (bra0039@mgc.vic.edu.au)
Middle School Captain
Orla Edwards (edw0016@mgc.vic.edu.au)
Vianna Lam (lam0038@mgc.vic.edu.au)
Danielle Floyd (09473924@mgc.vic.edu.au)
Brittany Killer (10020411@mgc.vic.edu.au)
Student Engagement and Wellbeing Leader
Allie Grey-Smith (09408580@mgc.vic.edu.au)