A Smooth Start to 2023

I extend a warm welcome to our families for the 2023 school year and a very special welcome to all our new families. Over the last two weeks, we have seen our students return to MGC with a renewed sense of energy, optimism, and determination. I mentioned during our parent information evenings and Year 7 Welcome Night this week how privileged and honoured I am to be leading this strong and vibrant college community; a community that pursues and values excellence, teamwork and diversity in teaching and learning whilst always nurturing the social and emotional needs of the young people in our care to become confident and resilient leaders of our communities.
It is critical that everyone in the MGC community shares the same excitement, understands what we are trying to achieve, is excited by what we are all capable of, and has a genuine desire to be a part of something special. The strength of our home school partnership is crucial to this success, and we are committed to continuing the investment and enrichment of our community, through our connections, programs, initiatives and in our communications. A very big thank you to our families for your support that has ensured a smooth start to the school year. It is always a busy time as you sort through booklists, buy and label uniforms and once again establish the routines of the school term. Your role in supporting the learning of students cannot be underestimated.
We continue to reflect and celebrate the 245 Year 12 students who successfully completed their VCE in 2022. We are very proud of them, knowing that each individual student completed their senior school studies having overcome a number of challenges and having adapted to constantly changing environments. They proved themselves to be adaptable resilient, and independent thinkers that were able to navigate Year 12 with positivity and purpose. They each had their own personal versions of excellence, and we applaud those who achieved their personal best, including those who attained standout exceptional results. We thank them for their contributions to the rich and vibrant co-curricular life of our college and we look forward to their engagement as our youngest Alumni.
We are very fortunate to welcome a number of new education support staff and teachers to MGC this year and we are thrilled to share ideas, and experiences and hear fresh perspectives. I would like to introduce our new Assistant Principal, Renee Liprino, who will oversee and lead Years 10 to 12. Renee’s depth and breadth of experience as a member of the principal team is going to be invaluable to our continued growth and ongoing success at MGC.
On our first day, we began our academic year with year level assemblies. This presented the perfect opportunity for each of our cohorts to come together, in our brand-new performing arts theatre to set the scene for what we expect will be an amazing eleven months. We were unapologetic about our aspirations and desires for each student to give their very best. I shared stories about building and refining study habits at the right time, we spoke about our students being brave and courageous with their learning, and most importantly not forgetting to find balance in their school experience. We want them to appreciate the value and opportunities to develop their interests, explore their talents and get involved in our co-curricular programs.
It has been wonderful to see our Year 7 students immerse themselves so quickly in the life of the college and embrace all aspects of our dedicated orientation program, which included a three-day camp at Arrabri Lodge in Warburton. The camp program provided the perfect opportunity for our new students to form friendships, make new connections, explore new challenges, build upon their interpersonal skills, and have some fun in the process. The giant swing was a favourite of many.
Our Year 12 students embraced their 3-day study camp at Federation University last week. It was an incredible way to set the tone for the year ahead and provided the opportunities for our senior students to delve deeper into their personal learning goals and participate in sessions that will motivate, support, and inspire them as they venture into their final year at the college.
We are excited by our improvement work this year and look forward to enriching the strength of our home school partnerships and learning opportunities for the young people in our care.
Annual privacy reminder for our school community
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to read our school’s collection notice, found on our website https://mgc.vic.edu.au/policies/
We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365 safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365 please contact the school.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Dari
- Gujarati
- Mandarin
- Somali
- Sudanese
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Tamy Stubley