School News 

Welcome Back!

2023 Annual General Meeting​

The 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 20th February at 6:30pm in the Staff Room. 


Parents are invited to attend to gain more information about the Governing Council 2022 Report, LNPS strategic directions and the 2022 Annual Report.

Governing Council Sub Committees

We are seeking nominations for the LNPS Governing Council Sub Committees. Sub Committees work in collaboration with the Governing Council to provide direction and recommendations to inform decision-making.  Sub Committees include:

  • OSHC
  • Grounds and Buildings
  • Sports
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Community Engagement

Sub Committees are chaired by Governing Council Members and meet once or twice a term. Times and dates are arranged at mutually convenient times for members. If you would be interested in joining or would like any further information please contact



Term 1 - Wednesday 15th March to Monday 27th March 


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. 


In 2023, most students across Australia will sit NAPLAN online. One of the main benefits of NAPLAN Online is tailored (or adaptive) testing, where the test automatically adapts to a student’s test performance. The test presents questions of higher or lower complexity, depending on a student’s performance. Tailored (or adaptive) testing is designed to assess a wider range of student abilities and to measure student achievement more precisely.


Linked is the NAPLANprivacy collection notice. 


Participation in NAPLAN 

All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to participate in the annual NAPLAN assessment. Students with a disability may qualify for adjustments that reflect the support normally provided for classroom assessments. 


Families are encouraged to discuss the use of any disability adjustments for your child with your child’s teacher and/or leadership.


A formal exemption may be granted for a student with a disability that limits their capacity to participate in the assessment, or for a student who has recently arrived in Australia and has a non-English speaking background.


If families have any questions regarding NAPLAN assessments, we can give you more information on NAPLAN Online disability adjustments or the process required to gain a formal exemption.

If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact


Materials and Services Fees 2023

Thank you to all families that have already paid their Materials and Services Fees,  All fees are due on 31st March 2023.

The school offers an Early Bird Refund:  All families paying their fees by 4.00 pm Tuesday 28 February will be included in an Early Bird Draw.  The prize is a refund of one student’s fees for the year.  The parents will be contacted on Friday 3 March announced in the school’s newsletter.

If you carry a health care card you may be eligible for school card.  You must apply for this every year.  Please use this link or come to the school office and complete the paperwork.

Payment plans are also available, final payment must be completed by the last day of term 3.  The school also offers payment plans for school camps.  Forms are available from the front office.


Payment is accepted via the QKR app or in the front office.