REC News

Shannon Cain


Our Mini Vinnies team have been busy preparing their first event for the year. Thank you to Mrs Garnon for leading the Mini Vinnies group this year and for a yummy Pancake Tuesday! All funds raised from the day will go to the Caritas Lenten appeal.




Today our school community paused to pray and celebrate Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday signals the beginning of Lent. During the forty days of Lent we fast, pray and give to the poor. 

Our 3-6 students received the blessed ashes at Mass at St Mary’s Church and had morning tea with our friends from St Mary’s School. 

Our K-2 received the blessed ashes at a school liturgy in Kenna Hall, then enjoyed a picnic with their parents on the playground.



Our fundraising for Caritas will also begin on this day. Your child will bring home a Project Compassion box. If you would like to know more about what your donation will do please visit the Caritas Website here. 



Each Tuesday during Lent Catherine McAuley will be hosting a Lenten Prayer Group. Please join us in the Mercy Room at 3:30pm if you’re available!