A warm welcome to parents and families who are new to our College and an equally warm welcome back to those who are continuing their journey with us. We are looking forward to working with you to ensure this year is a most successful one for your child and that they are able to maximise the opportunities they have at the College and reach their potential.


Welcome to new Class Staff

It is with pleasure that I welcome two new teachers to the Class staff for 2023. Dr Margaret Henderson is teaching English and the Year 11 UniReady course. Mr Patrick Swallow is teaching Agriculture and will also be delivering Certificate III Agriculture competencies as part of the Farm team. They are both highly motivated teachers and will make a great contribution to our Class area.


Assessment / Absentee Requirements

Parents are reminded that in line with the College’s Class Assessment Policy, students are required to have authorised leave in order to sit a missed assessment. Without the leave being authorised, the student will not be able to sit missed assessments at an alternative time and will receive zero for the assessment. 


Absence due to Illness / Medical Appointment: Leave from school will be authorised if the College is in receipt of a medical certificate covering the time of the missed assessment. If your child is attending a medical/dental appointment they should obtain a statement from their practitioner to verify this.


Non-medical reason for absence: If your child needs to be absent from school due to a valid but non-medical reason, they should apply in writing to the Vice Principal. This should be done well in advance wherever possible. Authorised leave will generally be granted if the College Executive believes the reason for absence is valid and the event cannot be scheduled to another time. Examples of an authorised leave may be representing the State in a sporting event or attendance at a close relative’s funeral.


OLNA Tutorials

OLNA Tests for Year 11 and 12 students will commence in Week 5. Year 11 and 12 students who are yet to pass one or more components of OLNA are encouraged to attend an OLNA tutorial on Wednesday evening during prep with Mrs Pfitzner. Day students are very welcome to attend if they are able to but are asked to please let Mrs Pfitzner know if you plan on attending.


Students who are required to sit OLNA Reading and Numeracy can also access the following online practice tests prior to sitting their actual test. 

Practice Test URL: 

Username: 4204         

Password: prac14


Head of Department (HOD) Class Role

As HOD Class my role is to undertake the administrative requirements within the Class area. This involves overseeing the delivery and assessment of all programs, monitoring student progress as well as being involved in the management of student behaviour within the Class area. 


Please feel free to contact me at the College on 97822100 or via email  with any queries or concerns in regards to the above matters or your child’s progress.