College News

Student Achievements

Congratulations to Felicity Wilson-Haffenden (Year 8 - Carmel 4) who has been selected for both the Under 15 State Indoor Hockey team to play in Wollongong in January, 2020 and the Under 15 State Hockey team to play in Bathurst in April.






Congratulations to Jessica Stevens (Year 8 - Lourdes 5) who has also been selected for the Under 15 State Hockey team to play in Bathurst in April, 2020.







Congratulations to Jaime Archer (Year 6 Navy) who, on the weekend, was awarded a Merit Award for Creative Writing in the Tasmanian Science Talent Search held at the UTAS Launceston Campus.






Michaella Roussos (Year 3) has organised the collection of plastic lids from the Years 3 and 4 classrooms, which as you can  see from the photo, has grown significantly, since she encouraged her fellow students to start collecting. 

Michaella came up with the idea of collecting the lids to be donated to the ‘Lids For Kids’ program and designed a poster to be displayed in the classrooms in order to promote the idea.  All the lids collected are sent off to be cleaned and sorted into colours before being shredded and fed through an extruder. This creates a filament that can be used in 3D printing to produce the brightly coloured prosthetics, which are then sent to children in need across a number of developing countries. Congratulations on your initiative Michaella.


The College community always likes to share in the achievements of our students. You can share your child's news via email.

Kiss and Drop

The Kiss and Drop zone in Quorn Street is used by a number of families across the College.  It allows parents and carers to drop off or pick up students safely and efficiently. 

We ask that when stopping to drop off or pick up children, you do so for a maximum of 2 minutes.  You are required to remain in your vehicle which must stay on the designated driveway at all times.

The Kiss and Drop zone is supervised daily by staff from 8:20am to 8:40am and 3:05pm to 3:30pm.  Staff are present to assist in the management and safety of the students.  If your child has not been collected by 3:30pm they will be required to wait at the College Office.

Parents and Friends Christmas Raffle

A reminder to all College families that all money and raffle books need to be returned to the College Office by Friday 6 December. The raffle will be draw on Tuesday 10 December.

FIDES Yearbooks

The College Yearbook, FIDES, will soon be distributed to all College families, with the eldest student in each family receiving a copy.

If you would like to purchase additional copies of FIDES for $20, please contact the College Office.