City LLEN Digital Events

Careers Counselling for Students with a Chronic Illness
Every year we deliver a forum in partnership with the Royal Children’s Hospital and Ronald McDonald Learning Centre for students with a chronic illness to support them in their final years of secondary school. We also teach them about the supports and programs they are eligible for to help their pathway to university, TAFE of employment. Due to Covid-19 we have cancelled this event but are still able to offer part of the program online and provide careers counselling to the students who are long term patients of the RCH or other hospital. Interested students or teachers can enquire directly to our Careers Counsellor, Andrew Smith via or register via the portal.
Part- time Jobs in the City Advice and Mock Interviews
Once things begin to return to normal, we hope the retail and hospitality sector will bounce back with gusto and need lots of young people to place in part-time work. Research shows that part-time work really contributes to students sense of well-being, teaches work-life balance, team skills, negotiation, tolerance among many others not to mention the income gained helps them to gain a sense of independence. Many students however lack the knowledge regarding how to go about finding a part-time job, what to say, what to write and how to handle themselves in an interview with an employer. As a result the City LLEN are offering students in the City of Melbourne the chance to speak with one of us to gain advice and do a practice interview over Skype, Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Note all of our staff have a Working with Children’s Check and we have a Child Safety Policy governing our interactions with students and most of our staff are ex-teachers and/or have extensive experience helping young people into work and delivering careers advice. Please register for this program via the SWL portal
Career Teachers Webinar on Rail Careers
This is for careers teachers to learn about the careers and pathways for entry into the myriad of job opportunities in the various organisations involved with rail projects across Victoria including: the Level Crossing Removal Project, Metro Trains, V-Line, Vic Track and Yarra Trams. The Rail Academy Manager assures me that they are continuing to recruit and work through lockdown and are looking to secure more young people in apprenticeships etc
The purpose of the webinar is to also help teachers learn how to locate and contact relevant people and vacancy/skill requirement information for this industry, a PD opportunity.
The webinar will go for 90 minutes commencing 10am on 22nd July, 2020.
Flexi Schools Network
This network meets reguarly to support teachers and students in the alternaitve education space in the city. We are still meeting using Zoom and planning activites and supports for students in these schools. If you would like to join these meetings please contact Andrew Smith via