CEO'S Report

Welcome to the strangest start to Term 2 we will ever experience! No doubt teachers and schools together with parents working from home/not working/or working at work, are all adjusting to this new way of living and trying our best. As I have said to many teachers over the last few days, there are many silver linings from this experience and one I expect will be that society and the local community will appreciate the work, skill and expertise teachers bring to the table every day.
The staff and board of the City LLEN thank you all for your dedication and efforts to educate your students during this difficult time.
Like you, the City LLEN is concerned for those students who may disengage completely during this time, we are here ready and willing to develop ideas and deliver initiatives and activities to support you and your students. So far we have developed a number of online initiatives detailed under the next page City LLEN Digital Events which we encourage you to take a look at and book in for via the SWL portal. If you lack access to the portal please contact anyone at the LLEN to discuss how we can enable your access to the portal or the event/activity.
We are also in the process of updating our website to include a new page which will contain information on Special Consideration and other information relevant to Year 12’s and other students as a result of the pandemic. Once this is finished we will provide a link and regularly update the page as the government announces new information impacting young people.
Stay well
Louise Smith