Health and First Aid

Welcome to the first instalment of Heath and First Aid at Kalinda Primary School for 2020! This week’s focus is on important start of year information.



The Department of Health has guidelines regarding infectious diseases. All infectious diseases, eg. Chicken pox, measles, mumps, impetigo (school sores), etc. must be reported to the school and to your doctor. In turn, the school is required to notify the Department of Health immediately. A notice will then be sent home to parents warning of any illnesses within the school. Before your child returns to school, a medical clearance must be supplied by your GP.


For those children who are not immunised, the Department guidelines state that, “during an outbreak of an infectious disease, DHHS directs children not immunised by a vaccine-preventable disease to be excluded until advised by the school that attendance can be resumed.” Please refer to the link for information on infectious diseases at:

If you have any doubts about symptoms, please contact your doctor.



We have some students at Kalinda who are at risk of a SEVERE allergic reaction (Anaphylactic shock) to the following foods/allergens:

Eggs/Egg-related products, Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, all Tree Nuts, Lentils, Green Peas, Shellfish, Almonds and Kiwi Fruit.


This is an extremely serious condition and we must treat it with great care and concern. We do realise that labels on processed products can be very difficult to read and interpret, but we do ask you to be cautious in food preparation as this condition is very serious if children come into contact with these foods in any way.


Our school canteen will not be selling products containing these allergens EXCEPT lentils, green peas, cooked egg in baked products and mayonnaise. These items are always identified on the canteen menu and prepared separately. Families with allergies should make sure that any canteen order is clearly marked as a child with an allergy.


All children at Kalinda must be safe at school and it is the responsibility of the school and its community to make sure that happens. Even though these children may not be in your child’s grade it is still possible for playground equipment to be contaminated by residue on fingers, etc. Please communicate this message to the rest of your family if they are making lunches for your children.



All students in Foundation were sent home with a Student Health Support Plan on Thursday 30/01/2020. Please ensure this is completed promptly and returned to the office by Friday, 28th February. If you require a new form, you can collect a hard copy from the office or via the school website under Notices and Forms:

Looking forward to a fantastic 2020,


Anna Diacos EEN

First Aid Officer

Kalinda Primary School