Principal's Message

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We hope that you all have a relaxing, safe and happy holiday.  We look forward to seeing you all in Term 4, well rested and ready to tackle the 10 week run to the end of the year.


We will have 4 transition days in Terms 4 in preparation for school in 2020.  Each session will be 11.30am - 1.30pm.  Children can wear comfortable clothes and shoes, bring lunch to eat and a hat to wear at play.  The days are as follows:

  1. Tuesday Oct 15th   - Parent meeting during this first orientation
  2. Tuesday Oct 29th
  3. Tuesday Nov 12th – P & F and uniform shop available
  4. Tuesday Nov 26th

There will be a short information session on the first day ( 15th October) with Kate Dourley.  On some of the other orientation days there will be chance for you to visit the **uniform shop, meet members from the Parents and Friends and get any help needed with our communication and banking apps such as PAM, CDFPay and Flexibuzz.  **UNIFORM FOR 2020 STUDENTS:   All preps and new enrolments are now on CDFpay.  You can order uniform at any time.  There is a page included in this newsletter called CDFpay that has all the information on it.  Please do not hesitate to talk to us on one of the transition days if you are having problems getting it working.






Our school is beginning the processes of class structures for 2020. We are blessed to have such a knowledgeable staff who are aware of each students individual needs and who work collaboratively to make professional judgement in relation to class planning and student placement.


When deciding our individual class structures, a number of factors are taken into account, which include:

   Student’s social, emotional, academic and physical development

   Student’s cognitive development

   Student relationships

   Family dynamics, eg sibling placement

If your child has a particular need or there is important information that we should be aware of when considering class placement for the 2020 school year, we ask that parents put this information in writing and submit it via email to; by Friday October 18th.


All requests are specifically about your child’s needs. It is not an opportunity to ask for your child to be placed within friendship or social groups. Obviously, we cannot accommodate requests for particular teachers; we can only look at the needs of each individual child.

Requests that are submitted in appropriate time and manner will be assessed and considered in conjunction with the other factors listed above.



SCHOOL FEES 2020:  Information and forms regarding school fees will go home shortly with paperwork to fill in and return to school.