Sport and PE Report

Year 5/6 Battleball Program

Over the past couple of months, our Year 5/6 students have been participating in an intra-school competition of the game Battleball. Battleball is loved by our students and is modified version of dodgeball. As part of the competition we ran at school, the aim was to determine which students would get to compete at the District Competition held at Boroondara Sports Complex on Friday 22nd November. Congratulations to our girls 6DT/5CB team and boys 6CM/5NK team who progressed through. The results from the district day will be in the next school newsletter.

Exercise Log Book

All Year 3/4s over the past week completed a home learning task where they tracked their daily exercise for seven days to see if they were meeting the Australian Physical Activity Guidelines of one hour of physical activity a day. Students then created a video blog in class to reflect on their results and identify possible exercise they would like to do more of on their days of lower levels. Did you know that they requirement for adults aged 18 - 64 is to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week?

Swimming Program 2019

The BPPS Swimming Program is just around the corner! All parents would have received information from Mr Batt about the Swimming Program that will be held at Boroondara Sports Complex, with the Foundation to Year 2 students having their program from Monday 25th to Friday 29th November and the Year 3 to 6s from Monday 2nd to Friday 6th December. Please make sure that you read through this information carefully and that all permission, payments and swimming ability forms (Foundation and new students only) are completed by their due dates.


A reminder to contact your child's classroom teacher if you are able to assist with the bus travel and/or change rooms during the program. We require helpers so we can attend. A reminder that you will need to have a valid WWCC card if you are able to help.