Touch Football

As the Touch Football Captains for 2019, we have the privilege of playing in the Mount Alvernia Open Touch team which competes on a Wednesday afternoon. This team is comprised of girls across all year levels in all CASSSA schools. Mount Alvernia also has a Senior A and B team competing, with girls from Year 11s and 12, as well as an Intermediate A team which is made up of Years 9 and 10 students.
Throughout the past term teams have been working hard at training to improve their skills which they incorporate in their Wednesday games. From last Wednesday’s results, we saw the Open Team have an unfortunate loss against Lourdes Hill College, the Senior As pulling off a great win against San Sisto College, and the Senior Bs also losing against Lourdes Hill College. The Intermediate team unfortunately recorded a second loss for the season.
So far teams have had a fantastic season, and we wish our best luck to all the teams competing in the final round which is coming up in the next couple of weeks. On behalf of all the Touch Football players, we would like to thank coaches for their commitment to training and games as this year of touch would not be possible without them. As the Touch Captains for 2019, it has been amazing to see the girls getting involved and giving their best at training sessions to seek improvements, and also executing these skills in the games. It has been a great season of touch and we are so proud of all the girls that got involved.
Carla Galvin & Emma Winstanley