Principal's News

Welcome back to Term 2. We have now been back for just over a week and the break does seem as though it was a long time ago.

I trust that your break has prepared you all for another exciting, effective and consuming term.  It was interesting commencing the new term just after Easter and last week appeared a little strange.  We have two new students from St Columba’s in Brisbane. Emma B - Year 4 and Chloe B - Year 2, Mum - Kym and Dad - Gavin.  Please welcome them into St James.


It was different celebrating Easter Sunday so late into the school holiday break. The Easter season is the highpoint for us as Christian believers. The way the school gathered in the final week of Term 1 with our reflections on the pre Easter events was beautiful and the Year 3 and 4 children reenacted the passion and Resurrection in a reflective and reverent manner last week.


Easter provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the mission of Jesus.

The following quote draws some light on the events many years ago.


“Jesus was not simply an unfortunate victim of a domination system’s brutality. He was also a protagonist filled with passion. His passion, his message, was about the kingdom of God. He spoke to peasants as a voice of peasant religious protest against the central economic and political institutions of his day. He attracted a following and took his movement to Jerusalem at the season of Passover. There he challenged the authorities with public acts and public debates. All of this was his passion, what he was passionate about: God and the kingdom of God, God and God’s passion for justice.’ Borg


Today there are lots of crucifixions in our world - poverty, torture, war, family breakdown.  At times we see the challenges that confront us in our own small sphere here at St James. We are not expected, thankfully to be nailed to wood, but to be present to others in moments of challenge and great moments of success.  This does happen at St James in many ways.


Let’s pray that God continues to appear to us in our vocation as parents and educators and in turn our work with our children, and each other at St James.  This is a year of gratitude for what we have been given, what we are creating today, and the growth that comes with the constant changes to St James with an understanding of reinterpreting the Christian message context for today.

Enrolments and Exciting Time ahead

St James is still accepting enrolment for all levels in 2019 and we are inviting the wider community to witness the changes at our school. As parents you are powerful advocates for St James.  Your involvement in our school reaches beyond the learning and teaching and sense of community that you experience and share.  St James needs your strong advocacy especially considering the growth and healthy investment of the exciting learning spaces. This has been a project that has extended our current view of education and our desire to be leaders in educational pedagogy.  We are putting measures in place to be at the forefront of contemporary education and this can be seen in the quality teachers and learning spaces that we are creating. Architects and educationalists who have visited our school in recent weeks are impressed of the direction we have taken.


Our architects wish to conduct tours of the school once the project is completed and explain the innovative learning spaces  which enable the learning experiences to be authentic. This is a significant acknowledgement in that we have ensured learning experiences and school design to be effective components in creating a thriving educational community.  Under no circumstances have we arrived.  We still have work to do and will continue to reflect on our practice. We have indeed come from a mediocre physical setting to an exciting new space and time.

Don’t let your friends miss out.


Building Update

On Wednesday April 24 a further site meeting (no 20) was conducted with Bowden Constructions, Baldasso Cortese and staff, detailing the progress and upcoming works.  At this stage we are satisfied with the progress as we enter the final stages of the project. On your return to school you would have seen see a big change.  Olivia, Bridey and Antoinette’s rooms were handed over on Wednesday last week and now the Year 1’s are in their new learning spaces.  This is exciting with now only the Prep room and staffroom (May 30 completion) and the bridge (June 27) to be completed.

Last week the concrete was poured for the bridge and an enormous crane positioned the steel arches onto the bridge this week. It is interesting to note that the design of the arches and the bridge is what the senior students suggested in 2017 student workshops.  The student voice is powerful.


The opening date has been set for July 25 - St James day which is a suitable day that connects with our namesake and our projection into the future.



As Star of the Sea were away last week, St James was invited to the ANZAC Day celebration at ANZAC House.  May I acknowledge the children and students who represented the school. Our Senior students in particular, were exceptional in the respectful manner in which they engaged in the service.


Athletics Carnival

A huge thank you to Georgia McNamara and Chris Kidman for their organisation of the 2019 Aths day.  Many hours are invested in the lead up to the sports and today went off without a hitch due to the thorough planning.  We were fortunate that we only received a sprinkle of rain. I am now happy to allow the skies to open and bring some relief to the farmers and gardeners who have experienced the driest year for many years.  


Congratulations to Conquest House (Yellow) for winning the sports and for Mulquin (Green) who won the school Spirit award.


A further thankyou to all our teachers for supporting the sports.  In addition, can I say how grateful all at St James are for the many parents who either raked, measured, scored, encouraged;  with some even taking a day off work to attend.   Well done!


Good on you Mum

Mother's day is approaching and in the coming week may we acknowledge the beautiful Mums  we have at St James.  To be a mother requires a great deal of patience, courage , love, care and strong resilience, to manage the complex vocation of being a Mum.  

Enjoy the time with your children and for all other family members make the day / week special.


Congratulations to the Jarvis Family

And a very warm welcome to 

Rosie Patricia Jarvis born Tuesday 30/4/19

weighing 4.5kgs (10 lbs) and  54cm in length.

Congratulations to Natalie, Scott, Matilda (Foundation), Stella and Hugo.  

We wish you every happiness and enjoy your beautiful family.

