Assistant Principal Report

Homework Centre

The homework centre is operating again this year from Monday to Wednesday in the Library. The centre is supervised until 4.30 and is available to all students. The centre provides an opportunity for students to utilise school facilities and resources in order to spend quality time studying, revising, completing tasks, wide reading and anything else required.

Preliminary HSC Information Evening

This will be held in the examination centre from 6.00 on Monday 13th February. All students are expected to attend as important information regarding the rules and procedures for the HSC will be outlined. Students will also receive the Assessment Booklet providing information about schedules throughout the Preliminary Year.

Future Events Year 12

Mr Mudge has organised for all Year 12 Advanced and Standard English students to attend a workshop in Tamworth February 17th. This workshop and lecture will directly link to their HSC studies.

The Physics and Hospitality students have their annual excursion to the Gold Coast from Sunday 19th.  The first of our Senior Success nights has been moved to March 13th.

Students will receive further information on all these events in due course.

Year 12 Studies

This year all Year 12 students will be required to arrive at school each day for pastoral with the exception of Mondays when all year 12 have period 1 off. Ms Menz will take the roll on the Mondays at 9.45. Year 12 is a different year of study and assessment compared to the other years at school. There is a greater emphasis on the content and skills for the HSC examination.


The Minister has altered the conditions surrounding absence from school. It is a requirement that all absences including partial absence be explained. Students are required to bring a signed note if they are to leave school and they need to sign out at the front office. Families are encouraged to travel or holiday during school vacations.

Year 7 Information Evening

I would like to thank those who were able to attend the evening. Parents were engaged in discussion and took keen interest in the schools educational programs. The Assessment and Homework policies can be found on Parent Information page on the schools website and also available in annual improvement plan.

Hats and Heat

Given the current weather pattern we are strongly encouraging students to wear hats when in the sun. Bucket Hats are available from the Uniform Shop and provide sound protection. It is an  expectation that students wear hats during P.E Practical Lessons.



Thank you

Simon Fleming