Bringing boundless energy and enthusiasm

Cecil Hills High School St John Cadets, with group leader, Rhonda Alexander

There's a lot more to being a St John Cadet

Did you know that St John Cadets runs at Cecil Hills High School every Thursday afternoon?


Young people are an important part of St John bringing boundless energy and enthusiasm. In return they take away important lifesaving first aid skills; as well as life skills including teamwork, communication and organisation, whilst building confidence and self-worth.


Juniors, Cadets and youth development are vibrant programs for everyday children and teenagers. Whilst the emphasis is on first aid we also develop leadership and social skills, bring opportunity to form friendships, give time to help others, experience a sense of achievement and learn skills for life.

Ms Alexander, St John Cadets coordinator
Ms Alexander, St John Cadets coordinator


JUNIORS (8-11) is all about having fun! Developing skills through proficiency programs, and becoming Junior first aiders.

CADETS (11-17) work towards becoming Preliminary first aiders, and then it’s hands-on learning through proficiency badges, competitions and camps, and practising first aid skills as part of a supervised team at public events.

YOUTH MEMBERS (18-25) are able to broaden skills and improve personal attributes, particularly in learning more advanced first aid skills. Then there’s the opportunity to undertake comprehensive leadership training.


  • Awards and Competitions
  • Earn proficiency badges, aim for the Grand Prior’s Badge, opportunities to achieve Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards and achieve recognition for attending public events as a first aider.
  • Recreational Camps Develop your leadership and social skills, and experience team bonding in a fun team environment.
  • Public Events Attend first aid events and assist in treating casualties under adult supervision and participate in the ANZAC Day Dawn Service and March.

Through fun and fulfilling activities our Cadets gain new skills and find new career opportunities they might not otherwise have considered. St John Cadets make a positive contribution to the community, and the skills learnt in leadership and decision-making look great on university or career applications.


Interested?  See Mr Chandler or one of our Library staff members.

Check out the St John volunteer page

After School Study

After school study is now available for all students on Thursday afternoons in the school Library. Students must be organised and bring relevant work with them. Access to books, computers and internet will be available. Work will not be provided. Supervision is provided until after school study session closes at 4.30pm.

first aid training
first aid training
first aid training
first aid training
first aid training
first aid training