Outside the classroom

Alicia Sek | Year 10 Photography


Early this term, Year 8 Street Art class had a workshop visit from Street Artist,  Florence Araniego. A former local girl who grew up in Liverpool, she has since gone on to exhibit both here in Australia and internationally in places like Japan. The students worked with her to begin creating sticker walls that will be exhibited at Casula Powerhouse on  25  August 25 as part of the MCA’s GENEXT festival for young people aged 12-18.


"On Wednesday 22nd August we went on our amazing excursion to the Casula Powerhouse Muesum for our Street Art class. It was an amazing and fun day learning about paste-ups and creating our own" Alexia Papanakos


"On Wednesday we went to Casula Powerhouse to display our paste-ups that we have been working on throughout the past few weeks.  On behalf of Cecil Hills High School Street Art students we would like to thank you for the wonderful day you have given us and for letting us display our artwork for the GENEXT festival, run in conjunction with the Museum of Contemporary Art".  David Nyugen


"I loved the excursion because it was interesting and amazing" .

 Bilal Malas


Students had been working on creating Paste-ups with local street Artist Florence which were then exhibited on Saturday (25th) as part of the Museum of Contemporary Art's GENEXT Festival.

C Marks | Street Art teacher

Monique's Academy experience

­­­­­­­During the first week of the July school holidays, I was selected amongst 40 students within NSW to attend the UBS Finance Academy.  The academy not only accentuated my ability to learn, lead and cooperate, but allowed for me to socialise with phenomenal individuals within the finance industry as well as individuals who will be our future leaders and CEOs.

The course made me wiser and more knowledgeable in aspects of finance and helped me to decipher my leadership personality. The academy placed me beyond my comfort zone which assisted greatly in the development of both my confidence and enhancing my ability to communicate and collaborate with others.

The course allowed for me to forge relations with thirty-nine other like-minded students within NSW and intellectuals of the finance industry. Via the course, I gained a thorough understanding into mergers & acquisitions and investment banking, as well as attending seminars

and lectures which allowed for me to decipher a day in the life within the finance industry including that of operations, equities and equity research, investment banking, mergers & acquisitions.

Ultimately, the academy was an amazing opportunity to meet new people and get an insight into investment banking and potential future pathways - an experience that I will forever cherish and be grateful for.

Monique Grant | Year 11

Students' skills and talents congratulated!

Carmel Aiello, Museum Coordinator and Education Officer,

Fairfield City Museum, who launched our Expressive I event 

on Wednesday evening at Club Marconi was deeply impressed

by the sheer volume of the works on display and payed tribute to the

"beautiful and outstanding"

photography, ceramics and portraiture exhibited.


Carmel said the exhibition showcased the development of student skills from the naive and playful Year 7 works using colour theory which culminated to the more sophisticated  portraiture works of Senior students. She remarked that the exhibition was evidence of the skill and dedication of the CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts) staff led by Antonella Verter.

Carmel Aiello (centre) pictured with members of our Creative and Performing Arts staff (LtoR) Christina Marks, Connie Mandalakoudis, Vivian Phan and Antonella Verter (Head Teacher)
Carmel Aiello (centre) pictured with members of our Creative and Performing Arts staff (LtoR) Christina Marks, Connie Mandalakoudis, Vivian Phan and Antonella Verter (Head Teacher)

Excited by the prospect of Cecil Hills High collaborating with well known Australian artists living locally, Carmel looks forward to opportunities for our students to explore and develop their skills through such experiences made possible by working with the museum and gallery.

Jenny Green | Teacher Librarian