Pupils of the Week

These students will be presented with their certificates at the following upcoming assemblies:

Monday 10th December

Charlotte J (PA) - For being a kind and caring friend.  Charlotte is always there to ensure her friends are ok and looks after them when they are hurt.

Cooper B (PA) - For sharing his fantastic thinking with the class.  He is growing in confidence to share his thoughts, ideas and strategies with his classmates.  Keep it up, Cooper!

Sam N (PB) - For being a wonderful leader during group writing time.  Sam worked hard to help his group read some tricky spider facts.  You're a superstar, Sam!

Ellie R (PB) - For joining in our classroom chats and discussions.  It has been so nice to see your confidence grow this term.  we have loved getting to know the real you!  Well done, Ellie!

Liam H (12A) - For working persistently to complete your persuasive writing.  You listened to feedback and applied it to make great improvements.  Keep up the great learning.

Jade S (12B) - For always trying her best.  Jade is a quiet, independent learner who cooperates beautifully with others.  Well done.

Summer W (12B) - For her happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of her work!  Summer is a kind and responsible member of 12B.  Well done, Summer.

Seth S (12B) - For always trying his Personal Best.  Seth has shown great determination to problem solve algebra equations.  Well done.

Ava D (12C) -For always being a helpful and responsible class mate.  Excellent job, Ava!

Roman H (12C) - For being a very responsible office monitor and helper in 12C.  Keep up the great work, Roman!

Mason B (12C) - for always being an active contributor to class discussions and having a go at all tasks.  Great work, Mason!

Lily D (34A) - For being such a supportive classmate and a great role model.  Lily often volunteers to work with other students who require help in understanding the task and she is vocal in class discussions sharing her knowledge.

Caitlin G (34B) - For being a caring and considerate classmate.  You always show Mutual Respect to all of your peers and follow the school values.  Great job superstar!

Lachlan B (34C) - For working well during spelling sessions.  Lachlan worked cooperatively with a partner to complete a crossword.  Great job, Lachlan!

Ava M (56A) - For her persistence and perseverance in maths (Location and Transformation).  You have challenged yourself every lesson to reach new Personal Best levels with positive results.  Well done.

Kallarney R (56A) - For the help and kindness you have shown towards the preps throughout the year - your friendship has brought many smiles.

Tuesday 18th December

Reya B (PA) - For the amazing effort she put into her Journal Writing.  Keep up the wonderful writing, Reya.  You are a superstar!

All of Prep B - For the best year ever!  You have all grown so much and are so ready for Grade 1!  I will miss all of you but might even see some of you next year!

Tayeb L (12A) - For working persistently on your multiplication and asking lots of questions to learn more.  Keep up the great effort!

Ben R (12B) - For the effort he has put into his persuasive writing.  Ben created a detailed text convincing 12B that we should have a longer lunch time.  Fantastic work, Ben!

Lilly D (12B) - For being an excellent role model during writing.  You always work persistently on your goal and add great ideas to discussions.  Keep up the fantastic work.

Mia S (12C) - For always having a go at all tasks and asking for assistance if unsure.  Excellent work, Mia!

Ari R (12C) - For always being an enthusiastic contributor to class discussions and working at his Personal Best.  Excellent work, Ari!

Will E (34A) - For his dedication to completing his Inquiry project 'Mystery Doug' to his Personal Best.  Will has been very patient with his partner and has asked for help in planning their presentation.  We are most impressed with how you have handled a difficult situation, Will!

Christina B (34B) - For writing an informative fact file on two-toed sloths.  You used your editing and revising time well and took on feedback to make your writing even better!  Awesome work, Christina!

Thomas R (34C) - For working hard during Maths to improve his understanding of the four processes. Well done, Thomas.

Bella M (56A) - For sportswomanship you have shown in SEPEP this term.  You have given it your all each week attaining new Personal Bests.