2018 School Production

The Addams Family

We have minimal time left to perfect one of our best productions yet! Weekends are completely full with rehearsing dancing and singing scenes, and we use every last second on painting, making and using our creative minds to construct the masterpieces that will be creating the Addams family’s home. There is happiness and eagerness that buzzes in the rehearsal space as we prepare ourselves for the big night. Costumes look incredible and our makeup ideas have started flowing in.


Laughter is thick in the air and we constantly make jokes and muck around while waiting patiently for our cue! The dances are intriguing, the singing is beautiful and the story will make you laugh all the way through. But of course, you can’t forget the sets, lighting and everything that happens behind the scenes. We have dedicated team members that work hard behind all of the sets and they truly make this production worthwhile.


When you think about it, what’s a group production without friendships and life long lasting mates? Well, in production, you don’t need to know anybody because within 5 minutes, you have people who are looking out for you and some people who take you under their wing. We are one big, happy, loveable family. Even behind the scenes, we are singing songs from our favourite movies and telling humourous jokes and stories.


Every second, minute, and hour has been used effectively and we are prepping for that split second when the seating lights dim and the stage lights blare.


Be prepared for ‘The Addams Family’!


By Abbey Bradley (Year 8)


Performances will be held in Banksia Hall on Thursday 23rd August and Friday 24th August at 7.30pm - tickets on sale now via TryBooking


Adults $20  Child/Student $10