MESC Learning Commons

Welcome to the Learning Commons


Over the past few weeks in the library, many new and exciting things have been happening. Including making displays, many new books and excursion preparations.


The theme for children’s book week this year is ‘Find your Treasure’. So a small group of library members including myself have painted a massive pirate ship which is now on display in the library. You really need to come check it out, as to describe it would not do the image justice.


Some of the Year 7 library monitors have been working on emoji books. If you have ever been stuck, trying to choose a book to read this could really help in your decision. They have attached emojis ‘describing’ the novel onto the front cover of some of the newer books.  


The majority of the library team will be going to the Melbourne’s Writers Festival very soon, to meet numerous, wonderful authors and attend fun talks on what it is like to be an author and tips for writing your own books.


If you have any ideas for new displays or activities for the library, please get in touch with us or just come to the library.


Thank you,

Belle York 9C

Library Captain



Year 7 monitors (Bella Pasic, Hannah Bailey and Emily Smith) have created an 'Emoji' display which ties in with their current class novel 'Wonder' and showcases some of the new books on display.  They have done a wonderful (sorry couldn't help it) job with this display and if you are "Wonder-ing...what to read next?" then come check it out.

Meanwhile our Year 9  monitors were creating a magnificent display to celebrate Children's Book Week using the 2018 theme "Find Your Treasure".  The pirate ship was drawn by Emily Jones and painted (every recess and lunchtime over 4 weeks) with the help of Belle York, Olivia Shillington and Madeline Bailey.  They too have done a wonderful job in showcasing our 'treasures' in the Library and hopefully inspiring more students to 'find their own treasures' within our collection.

eBooks and Audiobooks

After the successful introduction of our eBooks recently we are now trialling an audiobook collection which can be accessed using the same app.  These are provided for students and staff to use via the app  'ePlatform' by Wheelers Books (download it via your app store for use on multiple devices).  With over 1600 eBooks and over 600 audiobooks to choose from there really is no excuse not to be reading!  And if you can't find anything on the app then pop into the library and we can give you 'the real thing'!

Book Review

by Emily Smith (Year 7)


"Made you up" by Francesca Zappia


Alexandra Ridgemont is a 17 year old girl who has schizophrenia, which makes her see and hear things that aren’t there. She has been homeschooled for most of her life and is going to try going to high school, she has to learn to tell what is real and what isn’t but sometimes the things that are fake are the things you least suspect. With only a few friends that know what she has , a girl that’s out to get her and a crazy principal, anything can happen.  What comes  next is lots of struggles, confusion and a boy named Miles.