Now and again we have moments in our lives that make us proud, thrilled, excited and appreciate massive feelings of gratitude that we had an experience that changed our lives. Well, recently I had what I like to call an experience of a life time. Our school has been lucky enough to have 12 incredible Chinese students and their wonderful teacher staying with us to see what it’s like to be involved in an Australian school. I was very privileged to have been picked to look after and be a mentor for one of the most beautiful people that I have ever met.

Julia is a funny, effervescent girl and overall, a really great friend. At the start of this journey, I imagined it to be all mentorship and responsibility, but it’s much more than that. I have created a life long friend and her time down here in Australia will always be kept close to my heart. Even to see my gorgeous friendship group take her in, like they had known her for ages, made me so happy.

It was a cold but pleasant day on Wednesday the 1st of August. The International students, the  Australian mentors and I hopped on the school bus and travelled to Cranbourne Botanical Gardens. We explored the native flowers that were vivid in different arrays of colours. It was so beautiful to watch the International students take photos of our home land. I learnt all about them, especially school life in China and I got to teach them about Australia.

Later on we drove to Moonlit Sanctuary where we had the best time. Millions of outstanding and memorable photos were taken and I will treasure them forever. After we had introduced the Chinese students to the furry wombat, we strolled off to meet the cuddly koala. We hugged and took selfies with the calm and graceful koala; it was definitely a highlight for everyone.

Arthur’s Seat Gardens and the Mount Martha beach was up next. The sun shone brightly, shimmering and glowing through the trees and reflecting in a marvellous way off the still glass like water. By this time, we were all laughing and giggling together like old friends. We collected shells, wrote words in the sand and played chasy with the tide.

No words can truly summarise how life changing this journey has been. It makes me bounce with joy at the fact that I, Abbey Bradley, have had the opportunity to create a friend who may not live close but will be in my memories. How empowering one single event can be to one person alone! This is an experience that I will treasure in my heart forever!

 Abbey Bradley



During Term 2 in IDEEA LAB I decided to make a scarecrow so that the crows would not ruin the garden patch that the Steiner classes had made.

I measured and cut out the wood.  I had to calculate all  the measurements to get the right shape.    With the help from the students in Hands on Learning  we completed the base of the scarecrow.

Next I had to gather clothes and materials to make an outfit for the scarecrow.  The aim was to recycle and reuse things I found around the school grounds.  With assistance I sewed a face and collected heaps of plastic bags to use as the filling for the arms, legs and tummy.

The scarecrow now protects the vegies growing on the school grounds.  I had a great time building it.

Brigitte Pasic 7A