Student Wellbeing 

Farewell and Thank You


I would like to take this opportunity with my very last newsletter item to acknowledge and thank the many wonderful people who are part of the extensive Concord School Community and have been very important to me while working at Concord. 


Concord School is a fantastic school and a vibrant teaching and learning community.  Throughout my time here I have valued the support and friendship of many wonderful good humoured individuals.


Students:  Our students are a wonderful and varied group of individuals to be with every day and always aiming to be the best they can be.


Staff:  Our dedicated staff go above and beyond to ensure our students are provided with a first-class education and support them to achieve their personal best.


Bus Drivers and Supervisors:   Our bus drivers and supervisors take such care to make sure our students travel happily and safely to and from school.


Parents/carers and extended family:  Our parents and carers build strong connections with our school to help ensure their children receive the greatest opportunities.


School Council: School Council members give their time to govern our school and make certain that school accountability and processes for improvement are in place.


I arrived from Christchurch in the middle of an earthquake crisis and leave in a pandemic, but the years in between have been wonderful. Helen & I have loved our time in Australia and we are grateful for all the opportunities we have had here, but the time has come to be near family and rest in the sun.


My very best wishes for the future, it has been a privilege to have been Assistant Principal for the past 10½ years. 


Kia ora

 (‘have life, be healthy’)


Colin Simpson


Assistant Principal

Engagement and Wellbeing