Middle Years 

Literacy & Numeracy

The Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy (MYLNs) Term 2 program is continuing during lockdown for Year 7, 8 and 10 programs will wrap up at the end of Term 2. The literacy program has focused on students being able to identify and understand word parts and the numeracy program on students being able to use core number skills to help them engage in math topics such as measurement.


Planning is underway to determine students who will continue in the MYLNs programs for Term 3.  Parents/carers of eligible students will be sent a letter in the next 2 weeks offering a place in the program. Next term the MYLNs program will be extended to students in Year 9 and a high achievers program for students in Year 7.


Further information about the program is available on the EMC website.  If you think your child may be eligible for the MYLNS program, please contact your child’s home group teacher.