Icarus Community Report


Issue 11

A message from the 5/6 Icarus teachers 

5/6 Icarus teachers Paul, Lisa, Ainsley and Amber
5/6 Icarus teachers Paul, Lisa, Ainsley and Amber

Wow, Term 2 is over already? That flew by! 

It has been a wonderful term in the 5/6 Icarus community!

We are so proud of the resilience shown by our grade 5 and 6 students when we had to adapt again to online learning. They were great role models for the rest of our school community who were impressed by their flexibility. Thank you parents and guardians for your help ensuring a smooth transition to online learning.


Below are some of the highlights of our online learning tasks.


Build your own town! 

In Maths, we learnt about measurement. We calculated the area and perimeter of buildings. Next we calculated the volume of each building. Some students went above and beyond and actually constructed 3D representations of their town. 

Don't they look incredible? 

3D buildings
3D buildings



Solar panel experiment for Inquiry

We conducted an experiment to understand which colours absorb solar energy more. We placed two ice blocks on a black and white surface and monitored which cube melted faster. We concluded that black melted faster. This makes sense when you consider the colour solar panels are on top of buildings.

Look at some of the experiments Icarus students conducted below:




Wind turbines for Inquiry

We have been learning about the benefits of wind power as a renewable source of energy. Look at some of the incredible wind turbines Icarus 5/6 students made at home with their own resources! 



School holidays

We wish all our Icarus 5/6 students and their families a restful and relaxing school holidays and look forward to an exciting Term 3! Students are encouraged to keep up their home reading over the holidays. Please check our your local library for books  https://www.humelibraries.vic.gov.au/Homepage 


Term 3

Next term, our first learning focus in mathematics will be money (currency), decimals and fractions. In Reading, we will look at paraphrasing. For Writing, we will learn how to write and structure Information Reports. Our Inquiry focus next term is Space. 


Kind regards, 


5/6 Icarus teachers, 

Lisa, Paul, Amber and Ainsley