Corporate Services Manager

Teresa Hickman


Updates to Our HAC Chat


As everyone is aware, our daily HAC Chat is an extremely valuable communication tool for students, parents and staff.


The students have requested that we don’t print the HAC Chat every day and place on the tables at lunch time as they feel much of the information is being duplicated.  This will save a large amount of paper which is a great outcome.


We have erected a large screen located in the foyer where HAC Chat will be available throughout the day for students to read.  They will also be emailed to students, parents and staff daily.  We will also be sending the “Weekly Farm Roster” and “Class Information” via email as separate documents.


All of this information will also be displayed on the noticeboard outside the back of the administration building for all students to view.


College Emails

Parents/carers are reminded to use the email when emailing the College.  This will prevent any communication from not being received by the required person.  


If the email is for a specific staff member, please email them directly eg; Residential issues or teaching staff.  For absences, excursion permission, enquiries etc, please use the above email address.