Nunga News
Nunga News
Niina Marni,
Nunga Group, along with Mrs. Ramsay and I, had the pleasure of attending ‘Rec in the West’ last week as part of the Reconciliation Week celebrations at Taoundi College. There were many Aboriginal stalls, music, a welcome to country and meaningful sharing of Aboriginal culture throughout the day. We all had a wonderful time, enjoying the many activities while learning about reconciliation week and the journey we are all on as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, learning that reconciliation is ‘Not just a word’. It’s takes action by all of us, to be reconciled on Kaurna yerta (land).
I am so proud of West Beach Primary School. The many activities that occurred throughout the week, from the flag raising ceremony, including a welcome to country by Aunty Elaine, the creation of the Aboriginal flag with Gavin Wanganeen and the activities day shows how committed our school is to our journey of reconciliation.
Ngaityalya (thank you)