
Your child and family's wellbeing remains our number one concern at this time.  I will continue to communicate weekly Deadly Values for your child and family to explore.  Teachers will be having daily check in meets with their classes.  These will be Wellbeing based and have Respectful Relationships lessons so we can continue this important work.


Respectful Relationships Lessons - Positive Coping


 As they grow and develop, all children will encounter situations where they feel worried, nervous and sometimes even scared.  Individuals deal with the demands on them by drawing on a range of coping strategies. Some strategies are more productive than others.  Helping students to learn a range of positive coping skills will allow them to develop and practise these skills and enable them to cope with future changes and challenges.


Positive self-talk is a key strategy for coping with negative thoughts, emotions, and events. Resilience research shows that use of positive self-talk is associated with greater persistence in the face of challenge, whereas negative self-talk is associated with higher levels of distress, depression and anxiety.  Positive self-talk can be learnt or strengthened through practise.


In addition to this during these sessions teachers will be using Zones of Regulation to foster self regulation and emotional control.  I have attached these again here for your reference.


We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone.  If your family requires some support with food please contact our office as we have been able to secure some boxes of items through foodbank.


If you have any concerns regarding your child’s wellbeing please feel to contact me via Compass (Emma Cornish-Giles) alternatively I am contactable on the TPS phone number 94843254.


Or call Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

Parent Line 1300 30 1300

Lifeline 13 11 14



Take Care,

Emma Cornish-Giles

Wayapa / Dadirri with Aunty Lee 

Ngamilmali Maarumali translates to teach, heal in the Gamilaaray language of the Gamilaroi peoples. 


The program teaches students, Indigenous ways of knowing & being to invite a greater understanding of culture to increase the quality of your relationship and connectedness to Mother Earth. 


It is recognised as a health and wellness program featuring Aboriginal language, movement ( the rhythm of Country), and meditation while supporting sustainability learning. The content is delivered in a contemporary style that allows culture to be visible again. It encourages students to develop a deep appreciation for Country that is celebrated.