Acting Assistant Principal Virgina Beshara - Wellbeing

9th June 2023

Mrs Spicer is now enjoying much deserved leave in England and France. She will be returning for the start of Term 3. I have been Acting Assistant Principal and enjoying the opportunity to experience a different role in our school. 

SWPBS  (School Wide Positive Behaviours Support)

As part of our SWPBS this term, the students have been awarded tokens for displaying our school values of respect, resilience, responsibility, acceptance and honesty. They have then used their tokens to vote for an end of term reward. 


After a term of voting, a winning reward has been chosen by the students. The wining reward will be announced to the students when they return to school on Wednesday.


The whole school will celebrate the SWPBS reward on the last Thursday of term (22nd June).


This week’s presentation from The Resilience Project focuses on Gratitude.


Gratitude is paying attention to the things that we have right now, and not worrying about what we don’t have. We practise this by noticing the positives that exist around us.


Research shows that practicing gratitude rewires our brains to overcome the negativity bias (which can lead to anxiety and depression) and see the world for what we are thankful for. It is also shown to broaden thinking, and increase physical health through improved sleep and attitude to exercise.


View Part 2 of the series here :


Part 2 - Gratitude:


There are many ways in which you can practise gratitude, including starting a gratitude journal. You can simply use a notebook to list three things that went well for you each day, or use a more comprehensive Wellbeing Journal, like those created by The Resilience Project.


Source : Psychology Today 


For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.


Virginia Beshara

Acting Assistant Principal