P&C News 

Happy Mother’s Day to all our wonderful mums and parents within our school community. We hope you have a relaxing day on Sunday and enjoy any gifts brought to you from our stalls held this week.

What’s Coming Up!

P&C Meeting

At our recent AGM our members voted to trial a change to our meeting time for this year, in the hope we can engage better attendance. Our P&C does so much to support our school, the kids and special projects. It is vital our memberships grow for this to continue.


Next Meeting:

Friday 19 May, 9:00am, Library


At this meeting, the school will also give appreciation to all our members by way of a morning tea. If you are currently a member and have not received the invitation, please let us know on tallebudgerapandc@gmail.com.




Pizza Night Parent Catch Up

Tuesday 23 May

Man on the Bike Pizza, 6pm

Tickets on sale via Qkr soon!




Tally Parents Catch-up Earring Craft Workshop

Saturday 3 June, 6:00 - 8:00pm

Spots on sale soon! Keep an eye on Facebook for the invitation.

Where? Artlis Studios, Currumbin Waters.



School Disco

Friday 16 June

Ticket packages will be available to purchase via Qkr soon!

This is a traditional out of school hours disco.


Year 6 Graduation Fundraiser Bake Sale

Tuesday 20 June

9:00 - 11:30am outside the Treehouse 

Year 6 families will be invited to donate baked goodies for the event.


With so many things planned for these coming weeks, we look forward to meeting with many new and old friends at Tally!


Lucy Pritchard

P&C President