Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow










School-Led Review


Schools are reviewed once every 4 years to inform their ongoing improvement work.  We have been selected by the Department of Education to pilot a new type of school review, called a school-led review, in recognition of our high performance.


A school-led review includes an in-depth review of school practices and performance, consultation and identification of the next key improvement strategies.  Our work in this area is underway, and we view this as an exciting and important part of continuing to make our school the very best that it can be for our students, community and staff.


At this juncture, we are especially interested to hear the thoughts and ideas of our school families and a survey will be distributed later in the year to allow us to hear as many voices as possible.


This year, we are continuing our work on our current 4 Year Strategic Plan (2020 – 2023), maintaining our focus on improvement in the important areas of reading, writing and Mathematics.  All school work is aligned with our mission and vision and these reflect our review and consultation process undertaken in 2019.


Our Mission:  To ensure all students are successful learners, inspired individuals and engaged citizens. 


Our Vision:  To lead world-class, innovative education within a nurturing school community.



Mother’s Day 


Thank you to our P&C and volunteers for running our annual Mother’s Day stall!  Our students enjoy the experience of selecting a gift for a special person in their lives as a gesture of appreciation and love. 


Wishing all our mothers and caregivers a very Happy Mother’s Day for Sunday!




P&C Meeting


The next P&C meeting is scheduled for Friday, 19 May at 9:00am in our school library. This meeting coincides with P&C Day and the school is excited to celebrate this day with P&C members by holding a morning tea on this morning.  On behalf of Tallebudgera State School, thank you to our P&C for their incredible work to help our students, school and community!



Prep 2024


Partnering with us early, supports your child’s successful transition to school. If you haven’t already submitted your child’s enrolment paperwork for Prep next year, please do this as soon as possible so that you can be added to the invitation list for important pre-Prep events. 



Uniform Reminder


The cool mornings and clear blue skies have been beautiful recently and have meant that some winter clothing items are being worn.  A friendly reminder that correct school uniform is still required and that naming all items is highly recommended.  Jumpers must be navy, socks plain white and shoes plain black (no coloured or white soles or laces).  The vast majority of our students look fabulous in full uniform every day thanks to the support of their wonderful families.



Dental Van


We are pleased to be welcoming the Dental Van soon.  A power related upgrade was required for us to be able to accommodate the van and that has now been completed.  Details about how to book have been shared on ClassDojo.



Pyjama Day


We care deeply about the overall school experience for our students and therefore plan for enjoyment, wellbeing and strong educational outcomes.  We refer to events that are mainly just for fun as FUNraisers.  Late this term, we will be having a Pyjama Day as a FUNraiser and details have been communicated to parents and carers on ClassDojo.  If the outburst of applause when I told our Seniors about pyjama day at assembly is anything to go by, our students are very excited about this event (and so are Team Tally).



Zoe Harlow
