Senior School

VCE Formal
Last night our Koonung Senior School students from Years 11 and 12 celebrated the end of Semester 1 with an amazing night full of fashion, fun and full-on, funky dancing at the glamorous Cathies Lane receptions in Wantirna South.
It was a joyous and uplifting way to mark the halfway point of the year, as our students arrived at the venue looking glamorous and dazzling on the red carpet, then spent the night celebrating together with enormous positivity and enthusiasm, dancing the night away (with special mention to the night's supreme dancer - Gary Louey!)
The students all need to be congratulated for the way in which they represented Koonung on what was a memorable night.
Keep an eye out in our next newsletter for all the formal photos.
Senior School Changes
Congratulations to Alistair Tuffnell who is the Acting Director of Senior School
Peter Scott is the Year 10 Coordinator
Student achievement
Footy News
Congratulations to Year 11 student, Sienna Tallariti.
Sienna was selected in Vic Metro Under 18 Championship Squad. Good luck Sienna!
Allira Howe
Director of Learning: Senior School
Year 12 Chemistry excursion
Earlier this week our Year 12 Chemistry students ventured to University of Melbourne (Parkville Campus) as part of their study of Organic Analysis. The program introduced students to the principles and applications of organic chemistry and structural analysis.
Year 12 student, Rory Spicer, attended the event and has provided the following overview of the excursion:
On this excursion the year 12 chemistry students visited the Melbourne University campus to learn about university level science and specifically spectroscopy. We were able to use NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and IR (infrared) instruments to identify the types of bonds and functional groups within a given sample. The experiment involved us placing different samples in the NMR instrument and analysing the sample through the IR instrument to produce graphs for us to interpret. To read these graphs, we had to use our taught knowledge of spectroscopy in teams to calculate the sample’s composition, which is a main component of our current area of study. This experience was very engaging and beneficial in providing us with a visualisation of how mass and infrared spectrometry works to better understand and prepare us for this topic. It also provided us with an insight into studying science at university and the interesting equipment they use to conduct their investigations. Being able to actually use the techniques ourselves was very engaging and working out the identity of the molecules in groups was fun and improved our teamwork skills.
Darren Marsh
Director of Learning – Assessment, Data and Performance
VCE VM – White Card Training
On Monday 5 June our VCE Vocational Major students completed their White Card Training. This invaluable full day incursion aimed to equip our students with essential skills and knowledge necessary for the construction industry. During the incursion, our students had the opportunity to engage with industry professionals who guided them through various aspects of construction site safety and regulations. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, our students gained a comprehensive understanding of workplace hazards, risk assessment, and emergency procedures. This practical training not only enhances their career prospects but also instils a strong sense of responsibility and safety awareness. We are proud of our students' active participation and commitment to personal development, and we look forward to more enriching experiences for their future success.
Lydia Tomic
Vocational Education Coordinator and Mathematics Teacher