Middle Years News

And that’s a wrap on Term 2!
Congratulations to all students for completing yet another very successful term! I congratulate the students for the persistence and resilience they’ve demonstrated so far this year, it has been fantastic to see all students embracing all elements of Koonung life, from the Talent Quest, assemblies, presentations, excursions and the Athletics Carnival. Year 9 students have even started their planning for 2023, gaining some vital information to help them decide their courses for next year.
I wish all Koonung families a restful midyear break. When we return in Term 3, there will be a new timetable in place. All families should ensure they log onto Compass the night before to make sure that students are prepared for the first day.
100 days of Year 7
On June 22 (the 2nd last day of Term), the Year 7 students will be gathering together to celebrate a huge achievement – surviving 100 days of High School! Mr Kofoed and the Middle Years have been busy organising some activities for the Year 7 students to celebrate this, and to ease them into the holiday break. Keep an eye out in the next newsletter for a report!
Lord Somer’s Roadie Program
Ms Sens and the Middle Years Team have organised for staff from Lord Somer’s Camp to come to Koonung in Term 3 and run interactive, team building activities with our Year 8 cohort. These sessions are designed to promote leadership, team-building and creative thinking skills. Families can provide consent and make payment via Compass.
School for Student Leadership
This term, the six Koonung students at the School for Student Leadership - Matt Kealy, Harry Veal, Justin Bao, Tiana North, Inara Leeuwenburgh and Poppy Taylor – have diligently developed their leadership skills and capacities and participated in a wide range of activities to push them beyond their comfort zones. As part of their work, these students have been working on their Community Learning Project, or CLP.
This year’s group has focused on developing a fun activity day for Middle Years students, to take place towards the end of the year. Keep an eye out of Compass for further details!
We are also starting to plan our involvement for 2024. Information regarding the application process will be made available via Compass.
Mat Delaney
Director of Learning: Middle School
An Exciting Opportunity for Team Building in our Year 8 Cohort – Term 3
Middle School is excited to present a fun incursion happening at Koonung in Week 2 next Term! The Lord Somers Roadie program is camp style team building activities that come to the school. The incursion will be run on Wednesday the 19th of July in a two hour session. The Roadie program is designed to encourage growth and team building for our year 8 students. This event includes fantastic ice breakers with a focus on fostering friendships within the cohort and building strong relationships. It also aims to build leadership skills and encourage comradery. Year 8s can expect to develop critical thinking through solving unique challenges.
In addition students develop Self-management skills through actively contributing in a team environment and how to communicate with their peers. Students can display the school value of resilience through the challenges experiences on offer for sessions and develop strong relationships through collaboration. A focus for our cohort is to create a greater sense of belonging, shared memories and meaningful connections.
The program includes a series of group challenges and physical tasks. Students will be required to wear their P.E uniform for this day. We are thrilled it falls on a Wednesday as it will mean that the whole year 8 cohort will be able to finish the day in their sport, practising the skills they have developed in the morning sessions.
Stay tuned for the next newsletter for an update on this event!
Year 8 Sensory Analysis & Taste Challenge
Year 8B students completed a sensory analysis challenge. During the class there was a range of food to taste and identify based on the characteristics. This included Non-Organic Vs Organic Fruit, Branded vs Non-Branded and Sugar Vs No-Sugar. Students needed to use their knowledge from the term to consider what the different characteristics of these different types of food.
Students had to work in teams to co-construct their knowledge. The session was very engaging and a few things were very clear – that these students love to eat and that they work best in a team!
Year 8 student Gabriel Rowter-Neira's perspective on motivation
One of our Year 8 student wished to share his perspective on motivation and we look forward to this student presenting at an assembly in Term 3. We would love to see more Year 8s making similar contributions.
'Step Forward' by Gabriel Rowter-Neira
I feel that the one reason people can't reach their goals is that people don’t push hard enough. When you don’t push past yourself outside of your comfort zone, you miss an opportunity to learn. Everybody wants to live in this world where they can sit down, relax and stay in their comfort zone. The problem in that is when you're in your preferred comfort zone, when you're eating your chips drinking your milk shake in front of your tv playing your PS5, your comfort zone shrinks. You are not challenging yourself.
If you never try to study math, you're will not get better. You cannot expect yourself to get improve if you don’t put in the work. A good quote to remember is that there are people less smart, with a lower IQ, flying on privet jets. This is because they have worked hard, challenged themselves outside of their comfort zone.
An example of this hard work is, if one kid who plays 5 hours a day everyday he is always going to be better than a kid who plays 1 hour a day, even if he is talented. The kid who plays 5 hours will always be better than the kid who plays 1.
“Hard work always beats talent, if talent never works hard. “
Tim Notke
There are two voices in your head, even the strongest people have these voices. There is a voice is that is taking an easy route, “don’t worry you can just sit on your couch watching your YouTube shorts” but then you have another voice telling you to “get up you have work to do, you have a speech to write, you have work to hand in”. Your strong voice is your discipline. You have to have the strength to push forward and create. The best step you can take is to start your writing your speech. Check your homework and what you have upcoming. Take a small step every day to move toward your goals.
Kirby Sens
Year 8 Coordinator | Art and Technology Teacher
VHAP Maths Masterclass at East Doncaster SC
The Victorian Department Of Education supports high-ability students through the implementation of the Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP). At the culmination of the students 10-week online course run through Virtual Schools Victoria students from East Doncaster Secondary College and Koonung Secondary gather together for a Masterclass in a day of extension activities. Year 7 VHAP Maths students were challenged to apply problem solving skills, look for patterns and repeated strategies to solve real world scenarios. It was great seeing Koonung students collaborate with EDSC students, enjoy learning new skills together and represent the college so well. Thanks to Ms Emily Lewis for coming along to assist with the more challenging mathematics. A great day was had by all.
Amy McLellan
Learning Specialist High-ability Practice Leader Visual Arts/Technology Teacher
Live Life Awards
Congratulations to the following Year 9 students who are recipients of Term 2 Live Life certificates for exemplary participation awards.
L-R: Shaun Sanderson, Kian Shafaie, Hayato Mino, James Allen, Renos Vasilliades, Jess Iglewski, Jessica Le, Violet Ho
Middle Years Team
Mathew Delaney Director of Learning: Middle School | Regan Garner Middle School Administrator
| Stuart Kofoed Middle School Coordinator
| Lauren Hughes Year 7 Coordinator
| Kirby Sens Year 8 Coordinator | Sharyn Paspa Year 9 Coordinator