Parents and Friends Association

Father's Day Breakfast
Can you coordinate our PFA Fathers’ Day breakfast on Friday 1 September? We have a running sheet from past years and can provide guidance to you. Please contact PFA member Martina this week if you can - the school community and Dads will appreciate it!!!
Second hand uniform shop
Thank you to May-Na Bee, Sophia Quek and their team who have dedicated themselves to opening the shop each week, providing parents with an opportunity to recycle clothes and raise money for the PFA. Volunteers are always welcome (even one hour a month helps!). Send an email to:
Be a parent rep!
The role of a Parent Representative needs no experience, just a willing spirit to facilitate parent connection in your student’s year level. You could organise coffee outings, a dinner, a Sunday afternoon picnic or whatever you like doing! We generally recommend 2 representatives to support each other for your year level. The PFA will support and help facilitate any events you wish to organise.
Please contact us via email (or or call Vittoria O’Brien 0419 588 914 to find out more.
Stay in contact with other parents through WhatsApp
In the spirit of fostering community and connection, the PFA is offering parents of every year level the opportunity to join your year level social group on WhatsApp. If you would like to join please click on the relevant link below.
2023 Year 7 Parents
2023 Year 8 Parents
2023 Year 9 Parents
2023 Year 10 Parents
2023 Year 11 Parents
2023 Year 12 Parents
Non English Speaking Families Parent Connections
If you would like to connect with other Koonung parents who are non english speaking, the PFA have created a group for you to join. Please contact Peihoon 0431 615181 for the wechat link. This group is currently active and holds regular social catchups for parents.
2023 PFA team
President - Mohammed Soheili
Vice President - Ashley Tolliday
Treasurer - Johan Cameron
Secretary - Neil Barker
Meeting schedule
Everyone is most welcome to join us at our meetings. The meeting dates are:
- Monday 7 August
- Monday 4 September
- Monday 6 November
PFA contact details: