Visual Arts

Artist in Schools program
In our previous newsletter we introduced artist Farimah, who has been working with Chris Henson’s Year 10 2D art class to also complete a ‘collaboration’ piece. Students have enjoyed their brainstorming sessions and together with Farimah, they have produced some fantastic work.
Thank you to Art teacher, Chris Henson, who facilitated the project, working with Farimah and the Year 10 2D class. Thank you to the Semester 1, Year 10 2D class for participating in this amazing opportunity to collaborate with a professional artist. The work is yet to be named and will be framed and placed within the KSC school complex.
Many thanks to Farimah for all your guidance, patience, passion and persistence, and your amazing creativity and skill.
We await a final celebration and official opening (tba), to acknowledge and thank the Whitehorse City Council for the funds they provided to make this opportunity come to fruition.
Year 11 VCD - Design Place & Time
Year 11 students were asked to solve an issue for humanity with a design for the environment. Click on the following slide show to view a selection of the their work.
Amy McLellan
Learning Specialist High-ability Practice Leader Visual Arts/Technology Teacher
Visual Arts in the classroom....
Our Visual Arts students have been very productive this term. Please enjoy some samples of their work in the following slideshows:
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Arts Domain Leader
Come and join Arts Space every Monday at lunchtime in room 34.
Explore, experiment and enjoy spending time with other students who are being creative and learning new skills in Art. See the list below of what we will be working in Arts Space in Term 3.
You can join the planned activities or choose do your own art activity!
See you all there ……if you have any ideas of what you would like to do email Ms Briffa
One point perspective drawing
Washi tape drawings
Art Creative Practice
Art Creative Practice is a new study design in the visual arts which offers a rich art making experience and a deep understanding of cultural messages presented in art. In the foyer in the of the staffroom block we have displayed a taste of Art Creative Practice artworks. Please view and talk to any of the art teachers if you have questions about the study design.
In Art Creative Practice Unit 1 Outcome 2 students in Year 11 have explored artists and experimented with printmaking, painting, ceramics and soft sculpture to develop personal visual responses.
In Art Creative Practice Unit 3 Outcome 1 students in Year 12 have been investigating artworks and developing inquiry questions such as, ‘Why does racism exists when we are all the same on the inside?,’ ‘What matters in life?,’ or ‘Is peace after death?.’ Outcome 1 students in year 12 have been investigating artworks and developing inquiry questions such as, ‘Why does racism exists when we are all the same on the inside?,’ ‘What matters in life?,’ or ‘Is peace after death?.’
Subject Selection information for Year 8 students going into Year 9 in 2024
Please follow the google drive link to view subject videos/ voiceovers about the following
Visual Arts subjects for course selection for 2024:
Art, Urban Art, Photography, Visual Communication Design (VCD), Media
Technology subjects for course selection for 2024:
Food- Gourmet Traveller, Fashion & Textiles, Program Digital Devices, Virtual & Augmented Reality
Subject selection information for Year 9 students going into Year 10 in 2024
Please follow the google drive link to view subject videos/ voiceovers about the following Visual Arts subjects for course selection for 2024:
2D Art, 3D Art & Visual Communication Design (VCD), Photography, Media
Technology subjects for course selection for 2024:
Creating with Food, Data Analytics, Programming and Game Development.
If you require further information about the subjects please see Ms Briffa or your Visual Arts teacher or your Technology teacher
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Arts Domain Leader
Northcote Pottery holiday class
This June & July we have a bumper program of kids classes including our first Teens only sculpture workshop.