Grade Two 

We are now over half way through Term 2 and as Assessment and Reporting time is upon us, the students have been working as hard as ever and are constantly putting their best foot forward. The Grade 2 students have been engaging with lots of exciting content across all curriculum areas and the Grade Two teachers are proud of the work they have been producing. 


The Grade Two team are excited to share that we will be going on an excursion to ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) at Federation Square in Term 4. Details relating to the excursion are now on Compass and payments can be made anytime between now and mid-September.  



In English, we have been learning about personal recounts and information reports throughout this term. The students have been researching the First Nation cultures of Australia and have begun turning their research into an Information Report. During Reader’s Workshops, students have been exploring a variety of non-fiction texts and have been investigating the differences between important and interesting information and shallow and deep questions. During our Writer’s Workshops, the students have been working through the writing process to create Information Reports based on topics they are passionate about and a country that has cultural significance to them. The students have thoroughly enjoyed engaging with topics of great interest to them. 



In Mathematics this term, students have explored simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations, counting and ordering Australian coins and notes and dividing collections into halves, quarters and eighths. Students will also learn about 2D & 3D shapes, as well as telling time to the quarter hour before the term ends. The students have continued working through a range of mental computation strategies during our Mathematics sessions. Each week we focus on different strategies to ensure a thorough understanding of basic number facts and operations.



During our Integrated sessions we have been exploring ‘Social Justice’ and celebrating each other's differences. We have discussed what makes us unique and why that should be celebrated. Students have had the opportunity to learn more about a culture of significance to themselves, through reading non-fiction books and conducting research on Chromebooks. The students have demonstrated their research and digital technology skills by creating posters on the Canva for Education program. Throughout the term we have also covered ANZAC Day, National Sorry Day and have implemented a number of Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and Cyber Safety activities.


Warm regards,


The Grade Two Team.