Leader of Faith, Formation and Mission

Gabriel Abdala

“The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” 

Job 33:4


Dearest Marian Community,


I hope that this past fortnight has been a pleasant one full of enjoyable and uplifting experiences. 


Our College Faith and Service community has been flourishing with many of our students participating in various opportunities that are regularly made available to them. 

Morning Mass - Reminder

On Wednesday, we offer Morning Mass to any staff or student from Marian Catholic College who wishes to attend. Mass will start at 8:40am and will run for the duration of the Homeroom period. Fr Cyprian will celebrate the Mass and administer communion. This is something we offer every Wednesday morning as part of our encounters with faith. Our numbers keep on growing and we would like to see new faces attend. Bring a friend and experience this great encounter with faith. 


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.



Day: Wednesday

Mass starting time: 8:40 am 

Location: College Chapel

MCC’s Biggest Morning Tea 2023

We gathered for our annual Marian's Biggest Morning Tea. This cherished event brings us together, not only to enjoy delicious treats and warm conversations but also to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.


Cancer, an adversary that knows no boundaries, has touched the lives of countless individuals and families across our great nation. Through events like this, we demonstrate our unwavering commitment to fight against this formidable disease. The staff at MCC came together as a community united by a common goal: to raise funds and awareness for cancer research, support services, and prevention programs.


The power of collective action is truly remarkable. It is through our collective efforts, no matter how big or small, that we can create a meaningful impact. Each cup of tea poured, each slice of cake shared, and each donation made today will contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve the lives of those affected by cancer.


Although this is not just about fundraising, it is also about honouring the incredible resilience and courage of those battling cancer. We pay tribute to the survivors who have faced this disease head-on, showing us the true strength of the human spirit. We remember those we have lost, cherishing their memory and vowing to continue the fight in their honour.


We want to extend our deepest gratitude to all the volunteers, donors, Mrs Patten and the Office ladies for their help. A special thank you to Mrs Lole who has made this event possible. Your dedication and generosity are an inspiration to us all. Together, we are making a difference, giving hope to those who need it most and bringing us closer to a future where cancer is no longer a source of fear.


As a result, MCC staff were able to raise a total of $2022.95 which will do to Cancer Council Australia.



I-Care Kits 2023 - Reminder

As I mentioned in my previous compass notification and newsletter article, our College service project is the creation of the I-Care Kits. So far, many students have begun to bring their items to school to contribute to the creation of the I-Care Kits. After two weeks of collection, we have already had enough items brought in to begin assembling, with four kits already complete. With that said, we have a goal of creating fourty I-Care Kits this term and without the full support of the Marian Community, this cannot be achieved. 


The following items are the required items for donation per year group:


I-Care Kits 2023



Year 7



Year 8



Year 9

Shower sponge/Cleansing Puff

Shower Gel

Year 10

Deodorant (Female)

Deodorant (Male)

Year 11

Lip Balm

Small hand sanitizer

Year 12

Feminine hygiene products

(tampons, sanitary pads etc)

Hair brush or comb


Students who are unable to donate the specific items, a donation of $5 can be made in-lieu of this and the items will be purchased on their behalf. The Community Action team will go around to each Homeroom and collect any item that is brought in by students. Please remember to submit all items to your homeroom teachers in the morning during Homeroom periods. You only need to donate once, if you wish to donate multiple items that is fine. The students from the Community Action Team will go around to Homerooms every Wednesday morning. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families Feedback

A few weeks ago, I emailed all our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. As part of our ongoing efforts to create an inclusive and welcoming school environment, I am still looking forward to hearing from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families on how we can best serve your needs and ensure a sense of belonging for all members of our community. We value your input and appreciate your time in completing this survey. All submissions of this survey are anonymous, please feel free to be as truthful as possible.


The link below will take you to the Google Form. The data collected will help Mrs Wray and myself shape a lot of what we do within the College. 



Brendan House Feast Day


The Feast Day of St. Brendan the Navigator is the patron saint of sailors and voyagers. He is the patron of those who are afraid because he himself was fearless in setting out into uncharted water and in uncertain circumstances. Brendan House is named for St Brendan’s, the school begun by the Marist Brothers in Griffith in 1950. Marian celebrated Brendan Feast day in honour of St Brendan! To mark the occasion, Brendan house hosted an inter house touch football competition. Some fierce competition at lunch found Marcellin and Brendan facing off in the finals at recess. The hosts Brendan house ended up taking home the win defeating Marcellin 7- 2

Marcellin House Feast Day

Ms Jensen this week posted about Marcellin Feast Day next week.


On the 6th of June, we will celebrate the Feast Day of St. Marcellin Champagnat, the patron saint of education and teachers. St. Marcellin was a Marist Father, who founded a Congregation of teaching Marist Brothers, in Lavalla in France in 1817. The Marcellin House banner carries the logo of the Marist Brothers, who in 1950 began a separate school for boys in Griffith. 


To celebrate this day, Marcellin House will be hosting an inter-house Bin Ball competition. Games will be as follows: 

Lunch One:  Brendan Vs Marcellin

Lunch Two:  McAuley  Vs Patrick

Recess: Winner of Game One vs Winner of Game Two


If you wish to join your house team please speak to your House Captains or House Leaders.


On the day, you are encouraged to wear something red for a gold coin donation. If it is not your sports prac day and you wear your sports uniform you will need to donate as well. Our senior leaders will also be selling cupcakes in the Quad.



Until our next article, please be attentive during Homeroom for compass notices as I will be posting more information in relation to all our mission news for this term.


“Love, following in the footsteps of Christ, in concern and compassion for all, is the highest expression of our faith and hope” (Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2021).


Yours in Faith

Mr Abdala

Leader of Faith Formation and Mission