Parents & Friends' (PFA)

Term 2 feels like it is going just as fast as Term 1 as we’re already half-way through! 


Thanks again to all the volunteers at the Mothers Day Breakfast and Stall, including the stall helpers - Linda, Misty, Indra, Rebecca D, Pallavi, Uliana, and Caresse. Thanks also to the Skiba family for sourcing generous gift donations.


Wishing the mums a great day at the 'Ladies Lunch Out' on Saturday. Thanks to Jane Magree for co-ordinating the event and The Bank for hosting. Always good to support local. 🙂


Save the Date! Family Fun Night

We’ll be holding a Family Fun Night on Friday 28 July which will be loads of fun….hence the name. We won’t give away all the details just yet but the entertainment has been booked. Stay tuned for more info. 


The Grade 5/6MC class liaisons will be taking the lead on this event along with other helpers from the class so please put your hand up when they put the call out for help. 


As a reminder these are our class liaisons.



PFA Meeting

The next PFA meeting is Tuesday 11th July and as always everyone is welcome. Details will be shared closer to the date.


Have a good weekend.



Rosaline, Matt and The PFA Committee