Important Dates
Please note the following dates for this term:
- Saturday 27 May - PFA Ladies Lunch
- Wednesday 31 May - Playgroup 9.00-10.30am
- Friday 2 June - Mass 9.15am
- Friday 2 June - Interschool Sport Yr 5/6
- Wednesday 7 June - Playgroup 9.00-10.30am
- Wednesday 7 June - Netball Lightning Premiership Yr 5/6
- Thursday 8 June - Football Lightning Premiership Yr 5/6
- Friday 9 June - Assembly 9.00am Yr 3/4
- Monday 12 June - King's Birthday Public Holiday - school closed
- Tuesday 13 June - St Anthony of Padua's Feast Day - Mass 9.15am
- Wednesday 14 June - Playgroup 9.00-10.30am
- Wednesday 21 June - Playgroup 9.00-10.30am
- Wednesday 21 June - Parent Teacher Interviews 2.30-8.00pm
- Thursday 22 June - Parent Teacher Interviews 3.30-6.00pm
- Friday 23 June - Assembly 9.00am - Prep
- Friday 23 June - Term 2 Ends. Students finish at 1.30pm
- Monday 10 July - Term 3 Commences
- Tuesday 11 July - PFA Meeting 7.30pm
- Friday 28 July - PFA Family Fun Night
These dates are also available on our School Website under the 'News' tab - scroll down to the Calendar or use this link.