From the Principal 

We would like to acknowledge the original custodians of this land and waterways

and pay our respects to the Elders past and present and emerging, 

for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.

Curriculum Day, 15 May

Last week our staff participated in an excellent day of professional learning in which they worked to develop their understandings of learning diversity, in particular, executive functioning, which refers to the skills and abilities that are essential for thinking through and completing tasks. Belinda Hesse, our Learning and Teaching & Well-being leader, presented and led discussions on how this impacts our students.


We were then fortunate to have Mary-Anne Rugg, Learning Consultant, Diversity, from MACS speak to us about how an understanding of specific learning disabilities and learning difficulties leads to powerful teacher instruction for all. 


For more information about this I encourage you to read Belinda’s article in this newsletter. 


National Reconciliation Week, 27 May - 3 June

Today is National Sorry Day, a day on which the resilience of Stolen Generations Survivors is honoured and we consider how we can contribute to the healing process for our people and our nation. It is a time for us to reflect on the past and consider our role in creating a more united and inclusive society.


In line with this, the theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023 is ‘Be a Voice for Generations’. This theme encourages all Australians, including our children, to participate in reconciliation efforts in their everyday lives. 


As members of a Catholic school community we embrace difference and diversity. Our school values - In FAITH we will show: Respect, Empathy, Inclusion and Excellence - encourage us all to create a positive and nurturing environment. We treat others with kindness and respect, understand and care for others’ feelings, celebrate diversity and foster a sense of belonging, and strive for personal growth and excellence.


The Fullness of God's Love

Did you know that hanging in the hallway just down from the office there are three beautiful art works?


In 2007 the students at St Anthony’s participated in an ‘artist in residence’ program working with the well-respected indigenous artist, Lorraine Nelson, to create the three panels that are titled ‘The Fullness of God’s Love’. 


The murals explore Indigenous themes and depict the symbols of the coolamon, water holes and meeting places, with Bunjil, the Eagle Hawk, as the centre piece.

Also, on a wall as you enter our library you will see a beautiful Indigenous cross of seven panels that was also painted by Lorraine Nelson. 


The symbols on the panels represent our sacramental journey with God speaking to people in the context of their different lands, life and spirit.


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 require schools to communicate to parents and/or guardians about adjustments that students with disabilities receive in schools.

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). 


Please read the information provided below to gain a better understanding of this process.


St Anthony's Playgroup

Please help to promote our playgroup for toddlers and Preschool aged children.  


It is held every Wednesday from 9.00am to 10.30am in the OSHC area.  There is no charge.



We are currently taking enrolments for 2024. If you have a child who will be commencing school next year please submit an enrolment form to the office as soon as possible.


Loretto Campbell

Assistant Principal