Middle School News

Year 7 to 9

Middle School - B Good Fridays!! 

In Middle School we have noticed a trend of poor behaviour at the end of the week, in particular, on Fridays. We understand students are tired and their emotional regulation is declining towards the end of the week, including their behaviour. 


The focus for each Friday is to display College values such as: 

  • Resilience: Get through the last day of the week without an incident and start the weekend happy and with no angry parents to worry about
  • Respect: Demonstrating respect for each other in the school yard and of course in the classroom
  • Teamwork: Remind each other what day it is…”remember its B Good Friday, come on let's pay attention”
  • Fairness: Fairness for everyone involved, including coordinators who don’t want to point out and deal with poor behaviour, but rather hero and celebrate excellent behaviour
  • Excellence: Getting the most out of the teaching and learning program
  • Care and Compassion: For each other and for staff/coordination teams
  • Curiosity: Always striving to learn more about the world around us everyday

So…B Good Fridays is here to stay!! Coming to a Friday near you 😊

City Experience

Group 2 explored the City last week (Week 5) repeating many of the experiences that Group 1 was involved in during Week 2. The students were amazing throughout, making it one of the most successful groups of all time. This was highlighted by the huge results in the Amazing Race, the best we’ve ever had. This set the tone for the week and it was a fitting end to all the hard work and planning by Breanne Murphy, Anna Kissane and Adam Robb.

9A at The Watch House 2
9B at The Aquarium
9C at the Watch House
9D at Koori Heritage Tour
9E on the Koori Heritage Tour
9F at The Old Melbourne Gaol 2
9H at MCG 2
9H at MCG 2
9I at Botanic Gardens
9J at Old Melbourne Gaol
9K at the MCG 4
9L at MCG
9A at The Watch House 2
9B at The Aquarium
9C at the Watch House
9D at Koori Heritage Tour
9E on the Koori Heritage Tour
9F at The Old Melbourne Gaol 2
9H at MCG 2
9H at MCG 2
9I at Botanic Gardens
9J at Old Melbourne Gaol
9K at the MCG 4
9L at MCG

The Amazing Race Winners

Week 1 - 9A-9F

Week 2 - 9G-9L

Group 2 Amazing Race Winners

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Justin Bond

Head of Middle School

Year 9 Student Reflections on City Experience 

Last week was a week packed with learning and enhancing essential skills in life. A week that forged unforgettable memories. It was a week of City Experience for the Year 9s.


Throughout the course of City Experience, I was always filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the bustling life that unfolds within the urban landscape. There was this constant buzz of energy that permeates the air. It was an undeniable pulse that flows through the streets, filled with the sounds of traffic, conversations, and the occasional street performer.


Skyscrapers reach towards the heavens, adorned with gleaming glass windows, as me and my friends navigate through the hectic streets of Melbourne. We visited landmarks of the city such as the MCG, Queens Vic Market, and many more.


Overall, City Experience has definitely made me a better navigator and simultaneously has broadened my knowledge of the city’s streets. Learning new things in every place I visit while having a great time with my friends has surely made this event one of the most memorable events the school has offered throughout my years at EDSC. Although my friends and I got lost a couple of times, I think that working together and cooperating as a team to find a solution and a way around is what really captures the essence and spirit of City Experience. I’m truly grateful for such a wonderful and unforgettable experience the school has provided me this year! 

by Nathaniel 9K


City Experience was quite an interesting experience for me. As someone who has been fortunate enough to be able to do most of the activities provided, I didn’t know whether it would still be an enjoyable experience to revisit many of these places. Fortunately, I was pleasantly surprised that it was so different to revisit many of the locations with friends and classmates. Revisiting with friends gave me a completely new outlook on each experience. With people to discuss what we learnt I was able to view old experiences through a new lens. 

by Harris 9C


City Experience was an incredibly fun (and exhausting) opportunity for us to increase our independence and learn more about Melbourne. Activity-wise, I liked visiting Sealife and learning about archaic Victorian legal systems.  However, one of the most memorable things was the karaoke in our free time. We went in a big group to belt favourites like ‘Sk8er Boi’, ‘Call Me Maybe’, ‘Wannabe’, ‘Careless Whisper’, ‘You Belong With Me’ and of course, ‘Let It Go’ from Frozen. It was such a freeing experience that allowed us to have fun together and not worry about how terrible we sounded. To finish, a special shoutout goes to the spinning top chairs in Fed Square that made my week, and to my group for bringing me there. Thank you so much to the teachers and everyone who was involved in organising this! It’s truly something that I won’t forget.

by Isabel 9C


On the 1st of May to the 5th of May the first half of year nine, including me, went to City Experience. We had heard many rumors about the program before, but we had no idea how it would turn out, or how amazing it would be. Over the span of five days, we went to a total of 9 places, including the Royal Botanical Gardens, the MCG, the Shrine of Remembrance, and the old Melbourne jail, and completed a few activities there. My personal favourite was going to the Old Magistrates courthouse, where we reenacted a hearing. Honestly, all in all, there wasn’t just one thing that made city experience so fun, it was all the collective experiences, and the fun that we had with our friends, that made it so enjoyable. So, to any year 8 students who are looking forward to city experience next year, I have one thing to say: It’s going to be spectacular! 

by Aadhithya 9B


City Experience was honestly a blast! It was filled with astonishing activities throughout the week, it was such a great opportunity for Year 9 students to work together and travel independently around the city. I personally loved the MCG as we had the opportunity to experience the gloriousness of one of Australia's best sport stadiums and what happened behind the scenes. 


Although there were many great activities throughout the week, I feel like the best part was purely just travelling around the city with my friends, arguing about which phone has the right navigation, getting lost six times. It was all just about the teamwork, leadership and communication with students and teachers. 


Overall, our year level had one of the best times at Middle School and I'm sure no one would ever forget this week.

by Malak 9G


Overall, my City Experience with EDSC was a transformative period of personal growth, cultural exploration, and educational development. I really enjoyed the activities that were organized as many of them allowed me to gain knowledge about different topics such as sea animals, the Old Gaol, and the MCG. I think one of the best aspects of City Experience would be the ability to travel on public transport confidently and safely. 

by Heidi 9D


The City Experience was an exhilarating adventure, making every early rise worthwhile. Exploring the vibrant cultures, the city's historical buildings, and the bustling streets with friends was just perfect. The eerie Old Melbourne Gaol, where history whispered hauntingly in the cells, was my highlight—but not forgetting Sealife, and its definition of cuteness overload with the penguins waddling into our hearts, melting away every bit of stress left within us. Not only did the City Experience help with our exploration and navigation of Melbourne City, but it also created a stronger bond between students and teachers.

by Amanda 9J


I had never anticipated that waking up at 5 in the morning could be so painstakingly hard. But all of it paid off as soon as me and my group were together on the bus and heading off to the city. The City Experience started off with a blitz. The Amazing Race kick started our experience, and to say the least, it was truly amazing. Then each day after that, different classes moved to their locations. My favourite part of the experience was when groups were allowed to move around in the city to eat anywhere they wanted. I believe that each group enjoyed every bit of the city experience. I would also like to thank all the teachers for being there to watch over us as we embarked on a journey throughout the city!

by Aryan 9C


City Experience, there was quite a build-up but sure enough, it did meet the expectations. Moving around the city with your friends, discovering the hidden gems of the city from graffiti lane to the docklands harbour. There was so much to do in only a week. It was quite different compared to our usual camps, but I found it much more interesting than our camps. We had enough free time throughout the day to explore the city while still being given guided tours of iconic monuments. It was an amazing experience and I hope to have a similar one again.

by Neel 9J

Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies

Cyberbullying is direct verbal or indirect bullying behaviours using digital technologies. This includes harassment via a mobile phone, setting up a defamatory personal website or deliberately excluding someone from social networking spaces. It is important to stay safe when you are online. It is also important to know where to ask for help and guidance if you are experiencing Cyberbullying. Please find below links to useful information and guidance on seeking help regarding Cyberbullying.  








If students have any questions regarding Cybersafety, Digital Learnings in Schools, or our Mobile Phone Policy, please contact the Middle School office or the Student Wellbeing Office. 

Cameron Campbell

Assistant Principal

1 to 1 Digital Learning Program 2023 and Laptop Configuration Bookings

In 2023 we continue with our whole school 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students.


The purchase of these devices is crucial to the learning program as students will access eBooks rather than an extensive number of expensive textbooks.


Details of the 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students and important information regarding suitable devices are detailed in the attached policy.

**Please note that the JB Hi Fi Solutions portal is no longer open for the sale of devices. This service is not available for 2023 purchases.

Parent Payment arrangements for 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Please find attached the Parent Payment arrangements for 2023. They are available for payment via Compass on your home page under “Course Confirmation/Payments”.


Alternatively, payments can be made directly to the College via credit card or cash using the College Payment Envelope. Please ensure you download the attached form for the appropriate 2023 year level. Payment envelopes can be dropped off at the College in the locked drop box at Reception.


Your ongoing support of the College allows us to continue to offer a broad range of programs and enhanced curriculum experiences.


Please refer to the attached Parent Payments Policy and further links to information via https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/parent-payment/policy

John Roberts


Child Safety and Wellbeing at East Doncaster Secondary College: information for families and the school community

The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing. 


East Doncaster Secondary College has reviewed and updated our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These are available to view on our school’s website, on a Compass News Feed, at the school’s Reception. 


We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices. 


If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact the Principal, John Roberts or Assistant Principal, Cameron Campbell. 



Student Medical Expenses

Parents/carers are reminded that they are liable for all medical expenses incurred as a result of a student’s injury or medical need, including transport costs such as ambulance costs (this may include an air ambulance should that be considered necessary). 


Parents/carers are responsible for any medical expenses (including ambulance costs) incurred if their child is injured or requires medical treatment or an ambulance while at school or participating in a school activity.


Parents/carers may not be called if an ambulance is required, until after an ambulance is called, depending on the situation. The College staff will use their judgment as to what action to take in cases of a student’s accident or sudden illness. 


We encourage parents/carers to have up-to-date ambulance cover and medical insurance.

Damage to Students’ Personal Items/Property

Parents/guardians are reminded that any personal item/property that is brought to school by a student is the responsibility of the student and is not the responsibility of the school and is not covered by school insurance. Refer to Personal Possessions Of Students Policy in the EDSC Policy handbook on the College website. Students are responsible for personal items/property they bring to school. Neither the Department nor the school is responsible if any student’s personal item/property is lost, stolen or damaged.

Privacy and Data at East Doncaster Secondary College

East Doncaster Secondary College uses several digital platforms to support your child’s education, such as Compass, Google Drive, Office 365, Edapt, Oliver Library Management System. The College has an Information Security Policy and complies with the Department of Education and Training Privacy Policy. The attached documents provide further information about these services, privacy and how data is managed.


Privacy information for these platforms can be viewed here:

Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards

Please remind all students that they must carry their Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards with them at all times.


ALL students must sign in/out with their card at the General Office when they are arriving late or leaving early for any reason. A reminder that Year 12 students are required to sign in/out at The John Landy Centre Compass Kiosk.


The cards are also used for any student photocopying that is done at school. The EDSC Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  is also the student PTV (Public Transport Victoria) cards. They are required to carry this card as student identification while travelling on public transport.


If a student loses their card, parents/guardians are able to re-order a replacement card via the Compass parent portal.