LOTE News - Italian

Italian Republic Day - Friday 2 June 2023

On Friday 2 June Italians will celebrate Festa della Reppublica – Italian Republic Day, a national holiday which celebrates the birth of the Italian Republic.


It commemorates the referendum of 2nd June 1946 when the Italian population was called to decide what form of government (monarchy or republic) should govern the country after World War II and the fall of the Fascist regime.


This referendum was an extraordinary event at that time, because for the first time in the Italian history, women were finally able to vote. 

Italian Republic Day is a very special occasion for everyone to feel connected to Italian culture and history.

How is Republic Day Celebrated?

On Republic Day, Italy's president lays a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Altare della Patria in Rome. This is followed by a large military parade along Via dei Fori Imperiali.

A highlight of the day is the flyover by the Frecce Tricolori when nine Italian Air Force aircraft soar overhead the parade sending streaks of green, white, and red smoke into the sky.


The general public celebrates with fireworks, concerts, parades, and picnics.

Happy Republic Day Italy!

Joyce Conidoni

LOTE (Italian) Coordinator