Cranbourne Campus News

Circuit breaker

In electrical terms a 'circuit breaker' is used to safely disrupt the normal flow of electrical current to prevent an overload which could cause damage or fire. In many ways our recent period of isolation and remote schooling has provided the government and hospital system the time and space to stop an overload in the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this period away from face to face teaching can also be seen as a circuit breaker disrupting the way things have normally been done in the classroom, in the yard, at home and in our daily lives. And this can be a good thing!


The long awaited return to campus based learning can come with a new and improved way of looking at things and doing things. Where the mindset and behaviour of the whole community can become more focused towards the single goal of creating the most efficient way to reach my/our learning goals


From the very beginning there will be new practices around personal hygiene and the importance more than ever, of ensuring all rubbish is placed in the bin, to avoid other hands having to touch discarded lunch wrap and plastics - which will in turn minimise our chance of a COVID breakout that puts our St. Peter's College community back into remote schooling. The return to face to face classes should see a greater appreciation for the teacher’s support and expertise and an understanding that by each of us reducing distractions in the classroom, we all learn better in the lesson. The experience from remote learning has demonstrated to teachers that it is the quality of the work offered, the instruction given and the feedback offered that makes the difference in student outcomes and that sometimes this might be at the expense of the volume of content. And of course parents may well be seeing the deep value of them continuing to be cognisant of the learning that their child is doing daily.. albeit, I think many parents and guardians will be happy to hand their sons and daughters back to teachers for the time being…


As we each ready ourselves for the return to campus based teaching, it is my hope that we can see this unique learning experience of remote learning, as a circuit breaker that disrupts some of the old inefficient behaviours and sporns a new dawn in the way we think about what we are capable of and how we can reach those goals by working efficiently and effectively together. 



Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus