VAPS VCE Google Classroom

VAPS VCE Google Classroom
Over Term 2, VAPS trialled an online learning platform for any and all VCE Philosophy students in Unit 3. We had 12 schools we brought their students into the classroom, and 20 teachers who came in without students. We had a variety of resources, including videos, secondary readings, and study advice that students and teachers could access anytime. We are seeking feedback from all the teachers and students involved, which you can complete in the form here. Of the learning activities that we provided, there were three main types, as seen below:
The first was discussion prompts. Each Monday we provided a prompt and student could respond to the it with their own thoughts. Students were also able to respond to others students and begin an interaction dialogue.
Each Wednesday we released a quiz for students to complete. While checking one's understanding of the texts is important, the main benefit for students came after they submitted their quiz. After they had submitted, they could receive immediate feedback. Each question had a small paragraph explaining the answer and also provide references to the texts for students to go back over and ensure their understanding was sound.
Each Friday we had a curated clip from a film or TV show that related to the area of study. A small section from the film or TV show was edited and posted on the platform for students to access. Students were prompted to think about the clip from the perspective of one of the philosophers they were studying. Students could then respond, and respond to others' responses, in the same way as our Monday discussion questions. This helped students to contexualise and apply the philosophical thinking that they were learning about to different situations.