
New well being member
Stan Thomas is a new member of the Wellbeing team at Cobram Secondary College. He has been in schools for the last 12 years, starting in Dromana and Numurkah for the last 4.5 years. So far it has been great to get out in the yard and meeting students. Playing Downball, basketball and cricket I really enjoy sport growing up playing basketball, football and now cycling.
I have a young family, enjoy a good lame dad joke.
Please introduce yourself and I look forward to being part of the Cobram community.
Mental Health Week
Mental Health Week 2019
5th – 11th October 2019
Mental Health Week aims to activate, educate and engage Victorians around Mental Health and related issues through the organisation of a variety of events by individuals and organisations across the state.
Cobram Secondary College ran a variety of activities during Mental Health Week to raise awareness and get students active and talking about Mental Health.
These included lunchtime sports activities, colouring-in, listening to music, breakfast club and a variety of handouts and giveaways for students.
It was great to see students engaging in these activities and openly talking about Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Where to get help:
You can go to your Student Wellbeing, your General Practitioner (GP), make an appointment to chat with someone at headspace or eheadspace for online and phone support. Or if you need to speak to someone urgently, please call: Lifeline, Kids Helpline or Emergency 000.
Online & Phone Support:
Eheadspace: https://headspace.org.au/eheadspace/
Headspace National Line: (03) 9027 0100
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Emergency: 000
Diverisity in Schools
The Diversity in Schools program (DIS) is a part of a suite of programs that sit under The Diversity Project within Uniting Goulburn North East (formerly Uniting Care Kildonan). Uniting runs a range of services across Goulburn and Ovens Murray Regions.
The Diversity Project works with young (0-25) LGBTIQA+ people across a range of areas including case management, housing, youth groups, and community development.
Diversity in Schools is a three-part program for supporting LGBTQIA + students alongside DIS workers. The program consists of group work, advocacy, and case management.
The DIS program will run a group for LGBTQIA + and allies during school hours, individuals are welcome to join and leave at any time. The group is run by two DIS workers and the School Nurse.
For queries or concerns please contact:
Kasey Holyman,
Manager of Child,
Youth and Family Services
Uniting Goulburn North East.
E: Kasey.holyman@vt.uniting.org
M: 0466 796 365
Stan's Fundraiser
Stan is participating in a Fundraising Bike Ride. 350km in 2 days with 6500m elevation gain.
Brunswick to Marysville via Mt DonnaBuand and return.
Funds go to support Love Me Love You Foundation which promotes Mental Health and Resilience in schools and the community and will be providing our guest speaker, Lance Piccione or Warren Davies, to support our students free of charge!!!
The lifetime of wellbeing is 4 sessions per year and costs $2000 which is my target. The program will be free of charge to Cobram Secondary College. Currently, I am at nearly $1000