Human Powered Vehicle
At Cobram Secondary College we strive to achieve and to push ourselves, so why not challenge ourselves a little more. After last year’s success in the senior school category at the Energy Breakthrough achieving 6th place against some schools who have been competing in this event for over 20 years, Miss De Moel has given this year’s team the challenge to push themselves and aim to achieve top 5 in the same category.
Over the past 2 terms, students have been working on their fitness through sports such as Football, Netball and Soccer, as well as completing both individual and team rides on their bikes in order to prepare themselves for this year’s Energy Breakthrough.
Behind the scenes, a large number of students have been cleaning and servicing the trike as well as rebuilding the fairing and researching modifications that can assist with achieving this year’s goal.
In August this year, the HPV Racing Team volunteered their time at the Cobram Swap Meet supporting the Rotary Club of Cobram working alongside Mr Malcolm Kerr and his brigade of amazing workers. Although it started off a cold day, the students had a fantastic day working together and meeting other locals they wouldn’t usually associate with. We would like to say a huge thank you to the Rotary Club for their donation to the HPV Racing team, as this allows CSC to continue providing amazing opportunities for the students in the future.
The team now has less than three weeks left, so students are now working hard in the workshop finishing building the trike and preparing themselves for the Design and Presentation and Scrutineering, as well as the main event being the 24 hr endurance race. With some new recruits this year due to previous students graduating, we are looking forward to what the future of the CSC HPV Racing Team holds.
This year’s Energy Breakthrough is being held 22nd to 24th November in Maryborough, and the students would love to see some familiar faces to help cheer them on at the event.
We look forward to seeing their achievements and sharing their experiences and stories upon their return.