Every Opportunity taken

2020 Proposed Camps
To assist parents and students in their decision making and planning for the 2020 school year, the College has provided a list of the proposed camps that will be run next year. A letter has been published on Compass with further details.
Year 7 Camp (March): Howman's Gap Adventure Camp, Falls Creek (approximately $360 – 3 days)
Year 8 Camp (August): Mount Buller Snow Camp (approximately $350 – 2 days)
Year 9 and 10 Camp (October): Phillip Island Coastal Camp (approximately $360 – 3 days)
Year 11 Camp (May): Melbourne University/TAFE/City Experience (approximately $220 – 3 days)
Year 12 Camp (January): Study Retreat (approximately $200 – 3 days)
Year 9 – 12 Camp (September): Central Australia (approximately $1600 – 11 days)
For any Year 10 student who has been selected as part of the 2020 Advance class, students will also attend a one week camp to Rubicon Outdoor Education Centre, three days Melbourne Explorer Camp and three day qualifying Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition.
Freyja Black in "Fame"
“Baby, look at me and tell me what you see. You ain't seen the best of me yet!”
Based on the 1980 phenomenal pop culture film, Fame The Musical is the international smash hit sensation following the lives of students at New York’s High School For The Performing Arts as they pursue their dreams, challenge themselves and each other, all the while discovering there is more to life as a successful performer than simply knowing the lines, music and choreography.
Featuring the Oscar-winning title song and a cast of outstanding dancers, singers, musicians and actors including our own Freyja Black as Miss Bell.
Freyja has been a member of Initial Stages Theatre Company for the past five years, playing various roles in the ensemble, featured character parts and lead roles. With a keen interest in Performing Arts, Freyja has always challenged herself in her pursuit of the actor’s craft and as a vocalist as well as perfecting her dance technique and style. She has represented Cobram Secondary College in the Jazz Ensemble as their lead vocalist and performs solo gigs around Moira Shire including the upcoming Cobram Trots. Fame is Freyja’s final musical with Initial Stages and you will kick yourself if you miss it!
Our very own Mr Justin McLaren is playing in the orchestra for the musical as well.
Whether this show has you dancing in the aisles at Westside or on top of a taxi in peak hour traffic, Fame The Musical is certainly electric, high energy must-see musical.
Naomi Reaps Triathlon victory
Congratulations Naomi Hooper on an awesome effort in the Sprint Distance Triathlon 750m swim, 20km ride and 5km run in Yarrawonga on October 19th & 20th. Despite windy conditions, she did a fantastic swim, bettering her last years swim by a full minute and came 1st in the 14-19 years female age group and 19th woman overall out of 37. Well done Naomi.
Will in the State team
Congratulations to 15-year-old Will Hoyle after making the Victorian Team in Wood Chop Under 21 years.
Work Experience
Benalla Police Station
Day 1
Today was a day of learning and getting to know the terminology and codes used on the radios and seeing how the Watch House ran on a day to day basis. I was pleased to get to know the array of officers the Benalla station has to offer, right down from Constable all the way up to the Inspector. In the afternoon I attended the Benalla p-12 college with the Youth Resource Officer who gave a quick reminder to the younger kids the importance of crossing the road safely.
Day 2
Day 2 started early with the Youth Resource Officer and I attended a breakfast club at the Benalla P-12 College, Years Prep-2. Officer Allen shared and demonstrated to me the importance of having a great relationship with the wider community, including the staff and kids of the local schools. From 10 o’clock onwards, I spent the day in the local Magistrates court observing the roles the Victoria Police in the Judicial system as the Police Prosecutors and Court Security.
Day 3
Another day spent in the Watch House, now armed with the knowledge to answer calls, take notes and “page all”, I was able to lend a hand to Watch Housekeepers while they tended to the front desk. Sargent Verbaken soon recruited me to help count all station equipment. Throughout this process Sargent Verbaken taught me how different types of equipment is used, the situations it would be best suited for and the safety and responsibility that comes with the operation of the majority of the equipment.
Day 4
Once again, arming the Watch House, the morning was filled with phone calls and walk-ins, it wasn’t long before Acting Senior Sargent Gillespie collected me to run me through the operations of the Highway Patrol. I was shown the drug and alcohol testing equipment in each of the highway patrol cars and was allowed to sit behind the wheel of one of two BMW M5’s. I also spoke with some of the long-serving highway patrol members about duties and expectations as a highway patrol officer.
Day 5
My last day of work experience, I was stationed in the Watch House and helped Senior Constable Sparks with her morning count of all equipment to assure accountability for everything. We reflected on my week and I asked all of the questions I had saved up as this would be my last chance. As my day came to an end and I said my goodbyes to everyone, they all wished me luck for my studies and hoped they would one day meet me again, in uniform.
I would like to thank Victoria Police for this amazing opportunity and I would specifically like to thank all members of the Benalla Police Station for making my week so enjoyable and showing me a side of policing that’s not always shown to the public.
Ruby Sproules
Year 11 student
Cobram SC
Cobram Show Results
College students, Grace Cogdell and Natalie Rae, received awards for their poetry in the writing section at the Cobram Show.
Lillian Lampard received the 1st prize for painting and the 2nd prize for her bag design at the Cobram Show.
Presentation Evening
Central Australia Itinerary
Woolworths Rewards
C.S.C. received a variety of items from the Woolworths Rewards campaign. It ranged from outdoor mats and pillows to pens, paper and fun writing equipment to support our Writer's Workshop for 2020. The mats and pillows are used every day, with students enjoying the Spring weather.
Thank you to our families for their support and to Woolworths for their generosity.